mental health
How often do you watch or read the news? After your exposure, do you find yourself feeling empowered and informed, or do you find yourself feeling negative and pessimistic? As a therapist, I have worked with clients who have been impacted by their news exposure, and feeling pessimistic about the current state of the world. Additionally, I, myself, have found myself feeling down or pessimistic after hearing about a recent bad event in my neighborhood. With the…
Read MoreWith access to the internet, a world of experts, and the ability to contact others at anytime, our tolerance for managing uncertainty has declined. Why be okay with uncertainty when we have all these ways to research and get others opinions? Certainly we can find some certainty in the uncertain right? Unfortunately, when something is uncertain it indicates the probabilities of different outcomes are unknown. The unknown can be very daunting causing individuals to walk away from…
Read MoreIf you read my last blog post article referencing the Fast Company article, “When your body calls time out” by author Chuck Swoboda, you may be wondering if there are a few more things you can do in order to accept that you have anxiety. Yes, below are a few more key points regarding acceptance of anxiety. Self-compassion. Practicing love for yourself is one of the most important things you can do for yourself whether or…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are struggling with anxiety and/or depression. My job as their clinical therapist is to help the client understand possible reasons/triggers for their anxiety and possible coping mechanisms for it. Some clients have no idea if they have anxiety, but they know they are feeling burned out from their personal and/or professional life. They have simply had enough and need guidance on coping. I recently read an article from Fast Company, that…
Read MoreThe idea of “setting boundaries” is often discussed in therapy, as it is a helpful and practical tool for improving your own mental health and the quality of your relationships. A personal boundary is a superficial line that distinguishes yourself and your personal comforts/discomforts, tolerances/intolerances, from another person or entity. Setting boundaries can be empowering and healing, and it can give you space away from toxic behaviors and things that are not serving you. So, in what…
Read MoreIn today’s world, stress has become a chronic condition many of us struggle with. With how fast paced our lives are and the exposure we have to social media and the news, it’s no wonder this is becoming a growing issue. When we feel stressed or hear others say they’re feeling stressed what exactly does this mean? Stress is when your body feels an external threat and as a result enters “fight or flight” mode. “Fight or…
Read MorePaula Gonzalez MA, LPC Information contained in this blog is strictly for educational purposes. Always talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet. With a busy life and many of the stresses that come with it, there are times it can be difficult to get a solid 8 hours of sleep, which is what most people need. Everyone has different needs for sleep that helps them feel great and function at their highest potential. Personally,…
Read MorePaula Gonzalez MA, LPC Did you know that sleep impacts not only your physical health but your mental health as well? Most of us have experienced the symptoms of lack sleep, such as red burning eyes, headaches, feeling sluggish, reduction of coordinated, increased clumsiness and poor balance. But the lack of quality sleep on mental health are of interest and the focus of this blog. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the amount of sleep the average…
Read MoreHannah Hopper The pattern goes like this. You’re sitting at work with a string of unanswered emails, a project that keeps getting kicked back no matter how many times you’ve met with your team, and a daunting number of tasks to complete for the day. So you pick up your phone and start scrolling to have temporary relief from the anxiety of the to-do list. And while becoming more focused can feel like a daunting task, there…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified You’ve learned many methods to manage your emotional and physical health. You know that these skills work and you know that you should use them. But, you’re not. Why? You might think you’re lazy or forgetful. Yet, the reasons you’re not using coping skills can be complicated. Here are a few common reasons you may not be using your coping skills: You’ve convinced yourself that you don’t have the time. This…
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