Counselor Chicago Archives
Meg Mulroy, LPC When someone you know and love is struggling with a mental health issue, it can often feel helpless and scary. There is a lot of pain in our own lives that comes from watching others that we love struggle and hurt. If you’ve been in therapy or work in the mental health field, you are probably drawn to suggest therapy to this person in your life. It makes sense that you would want to…
Read MoreZoe Mittman, LSW You might be wondering, why is part 2 of this blog called “How to Become a Morning Person”, if I am going to focus on the importance of an evening routine? The purpose of this blog is to not get you to stay up later, but rather to explore how an evening routine sets you up for the next day. Evening routines are twofold – you can decompress from the current day while preparing…
Read MoreZoe Mittman, LSW It’s 6:30 am. Your alarm goes off. Snooze. Seven minutes later. Snooze again. Before you know it, it’s 7:30. You need to get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, pick out an outfit, get dressed, make your breakfast, make your coffee, and pack your lunch all before 7:45. You have to be at the office by 8. That means you need to leave by 7:45 since it’s a 15-minute walk. It might be…
Read MoreWhat is Top Down Vs Bottom Up Processing in the Treatment of Trauma? Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Trauma is a loaded term that often elicits a strong response from those who hear it uttered. It covers all aspects of insult to a human body including physical injury and psychological disturbance; however, most tend to think of trauma as an injury to the mind or the nervous system as a result of something overwhelming, indescribable, or terrifying happening. While…
Read MoreInformed Optimism: What Is It and How Can It Be Used to Cultivate a More Well-Rounded Mindset? Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Do you ever find yourself thinking that the worst will happen? You are not the only one. As a matter of fact, many people often jump to conclusions and create their own version of reality, all as a result of fear. When your head is overrun with negative thoughts and pessimism, you start to doubt yourself and your…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC You may find that your peace, time, efficiency, and privacy get compromised because you are unable to draw boundaries with your family members. It is indeed a difficult task to say “enough” to a family member, especially if they are toxic, but you need to do so. As a child, there are certain rules you must follow, but as you turn into an adult you need to learn to draw the line to…
Read MoreNatalia DeSouza, LPC For some people, the period between December and January is accompanied by reflections on what areas of their lives could benefit from changes. This is usually followed by the setting of goals meant to improve their quality of life and self-view. Common goals and resolutions for the new year include losing weight, perfecting a skill or a hobby, performing “better” at work, becoming more motivated, quitting smoking/drinking…the list goes on. Although it is extremely…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change and adapt over time. Britannica defines neuroplasticity as the “capacity of neurons and neural networks in the brain to change their connections and behavior in response to new information, sensory stimulation, development, damage, or dysfunction.” In short, you can change your brain. Here’s an example of neuroplasticity. David is a college student who is struggling to pass a math exam. David has always…
Read MoreBy: Ashlee Stumpf, LPC Do you refute or downplay compliments? Are you continually hard on yourself and wonder why others would want to spend time with you? Do you take criticism as a personal attack? Will you often accept your feelings as facts? (i.e., “if I feel this strongly, therefore it must be true”) Do you tend to discount achievements as “luck” or “no big deal” while highlighting your mistakes? Do you regularly engage in negative self-talk?…
Read MoreJessica Pontis, LCSW With the sun setting earlier and earlier you may notice the impact that the cold and lack of sunlight may be having. What you may be experiencing are symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. As the name would imply, SAD is a type of depression whose onset is brought upon by the changed of the season. For most people symptoms of SAD begin the fall and continue through the winter months, though…
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