Ask Symmetry Counseling Archives
In this video series, readers submit their questions for the therapists at Symmetry Counseling. In this blog, the letter writers asks Dr. Malec about the best way to talk to her boyfriend when he gets sulky and mistrustful at her going out with her friends. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response, and read below for a summary of her advice. Dr. Malec says that in a relationship, we all need a balance of connection with…
Read MoreA reader of our blog wrote in to ask our advice about a friend who keeps making plans with them and then later canceling. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response. Everyone experiences a friend canceling plans on them from time to time, and it never feels good. In the video, Dr. Malec recommends that you take the time to address this issue with your friend. Whether you set up a time to meet up in…
Read MoreAt Symmetry Counseling, we are now accepting reader-submitted questions for our blog! This week, a reader writes in to ask about relationship boredom. If you are feeling bored in your relationship, does that mean you should break up? In the video above, Dr. Anne Malec answers this question. It is typical for us to hear this concern in our practice, so if you are experiencing boredom in your relationship, you aren’t alone. After being with someone for…
Read MoreIn this video, Dr. Malec answers a question submitted by one of our readers. This letter writer wonders how to keep their partner engaged in difficult conversations. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response. Approaching Difficult Conversations With Your Partner Invite your partner to the conversation It’s important that your partner gets the time and space they need to consider what they have to say. Don’t spring a difficult conversation on them; talk about it in…
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