Therapy Archives
Traumatic experiences significantly affect our sense of self, self-worth, trust in ourselves, and trust in others. After a traumatic event, it’s common to start believing negative things about ourselves, such as taking undue blame, adopting negative beliefs, developing mistrust, and questioning our identity. It’s crucial to remember that your trauma does not define you. With time, support, and self-belief, you can reclaim your confidence and embrace your self-worth. How Trauma Affects The Brain Traumatic experiences can…
Read MoreIn Parts 1 and 2, I introduced coping skills and cognitive restructuring techniques. Hopefully, you had a chance to try them out. Now, I will tie this blog series together through a discussion of core beliefs and acceptance. What are Core Beliefs? In Part 1, I briefly touched upon core beliefs. To recap, core beliefs about a situation can lead to anxiety, and processing these core beliefs can be beneficial. Now, let’s delve deeper into the concept…
Read MoreAndromeda Peters, LICSW Parenthood is described as a beautiful experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges as we assist our children in navigating the world of emotions. Parenthood is far from concrete, as it is a job that evolves as our children grow in and out of development stages from infancy into adulthood. This role constantly requires relearning and flexibility because we are preparing our children for socialization, processing emotions, and healthy communication. Strategies…
Read MoreAndromeda Peters, LICSW Children are currently growing up in a world dominated by technology. This manifests in increased screen time in areas of their socialization, entertainment, and education. Keeping in mind that children’s brains are still developing, are there any implications for screen time and the cognitive functioning of our children? It is reported that in the United States, over half of the children under the age of eight own tablets. What’s more, a study conducted by…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Your attachment style was developed with your primary caregiver when you were an infant. Before understanding attachment, we must know how to recognize it and how it affects relationships and connections amidst our lives. What is Attachment? Attachment, also known as attachment bonds, is the “emotional connection you formed as an infant with your primary caregiver – probably your mother.” Typically, the quality of bonding you experienced during this first relationship…
Read MoreAndrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC As I write this, the shutdown of the country has been extended through April 30, 2020, and while I am hopeful life will return to normal sooner rather than later, I am by no means counting on it. March 2020 will no doubt go down as one of the most anxiety provoking months in any of our collective recollection. I have worked diligently with my clients to help them manage their anxiety even…
Read MoreOn the surface, being a perfectionist seems like a good thing. It sounds like something one would say in a job interview when they ask about “weaknesses” but you know you should still showcase your strengths. However, perfectionism can be a real burden and negatively affect your life if you let it go too far. Perfectionism is actually a defense mechanism protecting against the pain of being wrong or feeling like a failure. It can lead to…
Read MoreDo you suspect that you or a loved one may have a problem with drinking? The “criteria” for being an alcoholic seem to vary depending on the source, but here we will just define a drinking problem as the point at which a person feels they are no longer in control of their drinking, and it is negatively affecting their life. Even just having one drink per night may be addictive behavior depending on the person, or…
Read MoreWhen someone we love – a partner, friend, coworker, or family member – dies, the aftermath can be one of the most challenging experiences of our life. Indeed, when someone you care about it taken away, it can bring about a difficult grieving process that, although natural, can feel hopeless, scary, lonely, and painful. Whether sudden or a long dying process, the death of a loved one can feel like one of the most overwhelming experiences we…
Read MoreTherapy is a highly effective tool for managing life’s many twists and turns. It can help you develop insight and change that brings you closer to a life that you want to live, full of meaningful relationships and self-love. Just because therapy can help does not mean that you always know what to expect during the therapeutic process. Everyone experiences therapy somewhat differently, but one of the common aspects of most therapy treatments that both client and…
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