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We live in a society where depression is slowly becoming more talked about in general, and an area which has specifically seen improvement is among postpartum mothers. However, rarely does society consider depression among the fathers. A recent New York Post article titled, “Dads are just as likely as moms to become depressed: study,” explored both the reasons behind fathers who experience depression and possible solutions. They stated that in depression screenings done during 9,500 visits to…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Have you considered participating in family therapy? There are several reasons you might want to give it a try. Family therapy addresses individual issues within the context of a group—a family. A family is defined not necessarily as a set of biological relatives but rather as a group of people who serve as a long-term support system. Many people have found family therapy to be helpful in addressing a variety of issues,…
Read MoreYou’ve decided that your child would benefit from participating in therapy. Now you need to choose a therapist. How do you decide? First, identify 3-5 therapists in your area who work with children and are accepting new clients. You can ask your child’s school counselor, teachers, other parents, and people in your community for recommendations. Once you’ve identified your candidates, request a free consultation with each of them. A consultation is an opportunity to ask questions of…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Everyone goes into their first marriage expecting it to be their last, yet in today’s society, the terms “divorce” and “blended family” (or “stepfamily”) are not foreign concepts. A blended family or stepfamily forms when you and your partner merge your lives together with children from one or both of your previous marriages. Knowing there are many difficulties you and your family may face, it can be incredibly intimidating and…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner “I don’t know what to say.” “I don’t want to make it worse.” Over the past week, I’ve heard from parents, teachers, and other adults asking how to talk to children about the school shooting in Florida. These discussions can be difficult for adults and children, but they’re vital. As adults, we need to know what the children in our lives are thinking and feeling in order to provide them with emotional…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling In this day and age, it is incredibly easy to turn to social media for validation. You may have 6,000 followers on Instagram, 1,000 friends on Facebook, or you may get hundreds of views every day on your blog, but are you happy with your social support system? Do you feel you have friends that lift you up when you are feeling down or family who are there to listen…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling The holiday season is meant to be a time filled with joy, celebration, and family, but for many it is a sad reminder of the past or recent loved ones they have lost. Losing someone you love and adore is extremely difficult to cope with at any time, however, the grief can feel even stronger when you are engaging in old traditions such as listening to holiday music, putting up…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC Sibling rivalry is a healthy aspect of child development. Interacting with siblings helps children practice navigating conflicts in relationships. But excessive sibling rivalry can have a detrimental impact on brothers and sisters as well as their caregivers. How can you tell when the rivalry between siblings has become a problem? Ask yourself these questions: Do they initiate physical aggression that has caused injuries on more than one occasion? Does one of the siblings appear…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner “Try not to worry.” “Stop worrying!” “Why don’t you just relax?” Such advice rarely provides any relief. It’s always difficult—and at times impossible—to stop worrying. Worrying is a common response when we encounter situations that we care deeply about. It can even be productive, as worrying can lead to increased focus, motivation, and action that can resolve problems. But worrying about too many things at once is often counterproductive. Anxiety can be…
Read MoreThe holidays can be highly stressful and anxiety-provoking for many. It often involves multiple potentially stressful elements, including interacting with people whom we may not normally encounter. Working with a therapist can help to prepare for your unique holiday situation, although it is likely some common themes will emerge. Find “the why.” Too often, we lose sight of the purpose of our behavior. Routine is important, yet it is all too easy to fall into the trap…
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