Relationships ebb and flow over time, and so do feelings of connectedness with your partner. If you have ever been in a relationship or currently are in one, you may notice shifts in how connected you feel to your partner at any given time. Feeling connected in your relationship can look different for you than it does for your partner. It is important and healthy to have an open line of communication with your partner on what…
Read MoreHave you ever experienced regret? That feeling that you wish you made a different decision, or wondering what life would be like if you chose the other option. As a therapist, I often see clients who have experienced these feelings of regret, and as a human, I have made choices that I have later regretted. While many people are able to recall a time in which they experienced regret, often times, we do not make the most…
Read MoreI work with many clients who dread their annual work reviews with their bosses because it causes them either stress, discomfort, and for some clients, even anxiety and/or depression. As their clinical therapist, I help them uncover reasons why constructive feedback is a trigger for these feelings. I then help the client learn coping skills to manage the feelings that come from feedback whether it is from their boss, family, friends, or even their significant other. I…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Many people have benefited from receiving concurrent mental health services from two therapists. Each therapist may provide a different service such as individual therapy, couples therapy, or group therapy. For example, you might see one therapist for individual therapy and another therapist for couples therapy. You could also work with two therapists who provide the same service but vastly different focuses and/or interventions, such as Financial Therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LPCP, EMDR Have you considered psychological testing? You may want to. Psychologists perform psychological testing (also referred to as assessment) by providing a variety of standardized instruments or tests. Many people have found testing to be helpful for a variety of reasons. Here are ways that you might benefit from psychological testing. Diagnosis clarification. Usually, initial mental health diagnoses are based on a clinical interview which can last 50-60 minutes. This process has limitations because…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Conflict, disagreement, and confrontation are things every couple experience at some point in their relationship. While it is a healthy and normal phenomenon, fighting can also include unhealthy behaviors and communication patterns. In these situations, one partner may become very activated and begin to yell while the other starts to shut their partner out by walking away, playing on their phone, or not speaking to their partner. This shutting out…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When it comes to a healthy work-life balance, the term “unplug” is one that is often thrown around. Designating some time for yourself to unplug from work is a critical part of psychological self-care yet many find it difficult to fully disconnect. The number one reason for the lack of a break is that people don’t want to fall behind or return to a mess. Whether it is the weekend…
Read MoreI work with many clients who struggle with celebrating their birthday. Perhaps they grew up in a childhood where they celebrated it with their friends and family, a party, a cake, presents, and filled with joy and happiness. I have noticed a trend with my clients that as they get older, they start to dread their birthday. As their clinical therapist, I help the client to realize some of the reasons why their birthday is a trigger…
Read MoreIn more recent times, it has become more prevalent for individuals to come out and express their sexuality. For some, this may be a simple process, but others may experience obstacles such as mixed emotions with their loved ones and support systems. They may also have a difficult time with expressing their emotions and feelings to loved ones. In this post, I have identified helpful ways to support a loved one who identifies as a part of…
Read MoreAn intimate relationship with a partner can be fulfilling and rewarding, yet challenging at the same time. If you have ever been in a relationship with another person, you know that there are inevitable struggles that will transpire along the way. How these struggles are managed and processed within the relationship is one of the markers for how successful and lasting the relationship will be. Sometimes, when struggles occur for a couple, the issues at hand are…
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