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Signs That it May be Time to Change Careers

November 13, 2021

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC Most workers in the US are unhappy in their careers. Despite feeling consistently unhappy and unsatisfied in their current line of work, many folks find it difficult to change careers. If you are thinking about making a career change, but having trouble deciding, here are some signs that it may be a good time to go for it. Should I Stay or Should I Go? Signs That it…

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What Are Personal Boundaries?

November 12, 2021

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC If you have been in therapy before, odds are you have talked about boundaries at some point. This post will describe what boundaries are, why we should set them, and the importance of enforcing them. Future posts will review ways to set healthy personal boundaries.  A personal boundary is a limit or rule that we set for ourself or others. Let’s start off with some examples: John sets…

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Signs It’s Time to Break Up

November 12, 2021

Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC Occasionally wondering if you should stay together or break up is pretty typical for most people when they’re beginning to get serious in their relationship. And every couple will go through tough seasons where new challenges come up that need to be worked through. There are some signs that can help you distinguish if you and your partner are in a rough season, or if it could be time to let go of…

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What Is The Difference between Stress and Anxiety?

November 11, 2021
stress and anxiety

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  What’s the real difference between stress and anxiety? As close as they may seem, they greatly differ, as stress is characterized by external short- or long-term triggers. When we undergo stress, it can cause both mental and physical symptoms. Interestingly enough, these symptoms are often overlooked. Some of these symptoms include anger, fatigue, aches and pains, sleep difficulties, and digestive troubles. On the other hand, anxiety is characterized by persistent and overwhelming episodes of worry that are difficult to control, even…

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Growth and Development: What Happens in the Final Years of Childhood? Part III

October 31, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC  If you read my previous blog posts, this is the final part to the three-part blog series about human growth and development. It discusses the progression from what you need to know about growth and development, the evolution of children’s growth, and the final years of childhood as one slowly approaches adolescence where much of their personality and traits have already developed and are set in stone.  Amidst middle childhood, which…

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Growth and Development: How Does the Growth of Children Evolve? Part II

October 30, 2021
Growth and Development

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC You might find yourself asking why is all of this information important? Well, in learning more about the developmental phase from infancy to toddlerhood, you will start to see and understand how things that took place within your earliest developmental phase and how they have affected your personality and ways of looking at life. The evolution of growth is fascinating and it happens quickly with children.  Amidst the developmental stage of…

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Growth and Development: What Do I Need to Know? Part I

October 29, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC The developmental phase from infancy to toddlerhood is described as a pivotal growth period of drastic change in the beginning of a human’s life. This phase, like all other developmental stages, has many milestones involving developmental, physical, emotional, spiritual and cognitive components. Infancy to toddlerhood is one of the most remarkable and fast paced times of development where extreme changes in the body and brain occur that support motor skills and…

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Friendships Throughout the Lifespan: Childhood, Pt. 1

October 27, 2021

Written by Kara Thompson, Licensed Social Worker “Friendship, a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. “  – Britannica When thinking about growing up as a child, some of us may be able to recall both sweet and bitter memories around our journey of making friends. Maybe you’re able to remember that time in 2nd grade that you invited a classmate to a playdate but were fiercely rejected. Or maybe you have stored…

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Conflict Within Marriage: How Do I Fight Fairly?

October 26, 2021
Conflict Within Marriage

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC We can all agree – arguing stinks. Although marriage can be one of the most wonderful and rewarding parts of life, it can also be challenging and it’s something that has to be constantly worked on. All close and intimate relationships experience conflict sometimes. It can be healthy and productive as long as we go about it in the right ways. General, agreed-upon rules can help! I always tell my clients…

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Can I Budget My Emotions?

October 25, 2021

Jessica Pontis, LCSW Let’s face it, the better part of the last 18 months has been incredibly overwhelming for most of us.  As we face increasing numbers in Covid-19 cases we may be asked to pull from what limited emotional reserves we have left to see this pandemic out.  In order to do this, we may have to learn the important skill of emotional budgeting.  When we think of financial budgeting we think of planning out how…

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