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COVID-19: How Is Children’s Mental Health Affected?

December 12, 2020

Melanie Lustbader, LPC  PART 1 In March of 2020, everything changed for the worst. This has been a stressful year for everyone, including children. The COVID-19 global pandemic has brought increased anxiety and stress. Adults and children have been pulled from their normal routine and have had significant changes to their lifestyle.  Fear and Anxiety When a child faces significant change it can possibly cause fear and anxiety. Tolerating uncertainty is scary, even for children who typically…

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Why Write A Book?

November 29, 2020

By Eve Brownstone, LCPC Why write a book?  We all have a story to tell. Doubts come in.  Do I have a story to tell? I will bore people. I am not a writer. So we convince ourselves that we don’t have a story to tell and we push down our creative energy. I realize not everyone is going to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, but I believe everyone has a heartfelt story to tell and…

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Why is Self-Awareness Vital to Success?

November 23, 2020
Why is Self Awareness Vital to Success 5f9ae3fac7db1

What is self-awareness? It can be used as praise, “wow you’re so self-aware!” or as an insult, “she has no self-awareness.” But what do we actually mean when we label ourselves or others as having or lacking self-awareness? The official Merriam-Webster definition of self-awareness is, “knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character.” In other words, truly knowing yourself internally, individually, and within the context of relationships and the world. Being able to identify how you…

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Tips for New College Students Leaving Home

November 20, 2020

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC Life transitions can be difficult, and the transition from high school to college is no different. Moving out of your home, sharing a small living space with strangers, and adjusting to new class schedules are among some of the many changes and challenges that come with this transition. All while trying to discover who you are as a person and picking a major/life path for yourself. College can be difficult, but luckily there…

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How Can You Identify a Safe Person?

November 12, 2020

Steven Losardo, AMFT Maybe more so than ever, we need safety in our lives, and that includes secure individuals. These people have attributes that include being easy to get close and dependability. Safe people are comfortable depending on others and do not worry about abandonment or someone getting too close to them (Johnson, 2013).  How do we know we have these kind-hearted people in our lives? This blog will review the characteristics of a safe person to…

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How Do I Help My Child With Autism?

November 7, 2020

Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC If your child has recently gotten an autism diagnosis, you may be feeling overwhelmed and wondering where to even begin with helping them. An ASD diagnosis can feel frightening, particularly if you’re new to the world of autism and worried about whether you’ll be able to provide the tools your child needs to thrive. While children won’t “grow out of” this diagnosis, there are many treatments and tools to help a child overcome…

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How Can I Help My Child Transition From High School to College?

November 6, 2020

The transition from high school to college can be a stressful experience, for both young adults and parents. Clinical Psychologist Debby Fogelman offers practical ways that parents can help their college-aged children prepare for their new experience on a college campus.  Although college is often an exciting time, it can also be a time that comes with a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Which is normal! Being away from home can sometimes create a false belief that…

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Hangxiety: What It Is and Tips to Manage It

November 5, 2020

Megan Mulroy, LPC Having a hangover is not an uncommon occurrence. Pounding headache, nausea, and fatigue are common symptoms. However, after a night of drinking many people suffer from a phenomenon known as “Hangxiety.” If you are unfamiliar, hangxiety is the intersection between a hangover and anxiety. Many people confuse hangxiety and regret. If you find yourself scrolling through your phone in fear to see what you texted or are worried about what you might have said,…

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Dysfunctional Family Roles Part 3: Are You a Lost Child or A Compulsive?

November 4, 2020

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  The Lost Child Aliases: “The Quiet One” “The Shy One,” “The Independent”  The “lost child” is the family member who retreats from family dysfunction due to feeling overwhelmed. They can spend a lot of time alone, pursue singular interests, and/or struggle to establish or maintain relationships with others. The lost child is rarely seen as a stressor in the family (unless they develop a compulsive coping mechanism; see #6, below).  For…

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Dysfunctional Family Roles Part 2: Are You a Scapegoat or A Hero?

November 3, 2020

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  The Scapegoat Aliases: “The Problem,” “The Bad One,” “The Crazy One” The scapegoat is the person in the family who is obviously struggling. They might express unhealthy behaviors, such as participation in illegal activities or acting out in the classroom or in the home. They might be viewed as unstable or as a “rebel.” The scapegoat is often in the family spotlight because they are regarded as the family member who…

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