Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

marriage counseling


4 Methods to Promote Your Mental Health at Work

August 29, 2018
4 Methods to Promote Your Mental Health at Work 5b9187c7aa0ff

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Work environments can be stressful, exhausting, and depressing—and that’s a problem. Supporting your mental health at work is not optional; it’s required. Mental health issues can lead to decreased productivity, conflicts with coworkers, low job satisfaction, and even an inability to keep your job. If you dread going to work, here are four things you can do to promote your mental health in the workplace: 1) Protect yourself from negativity. A frequent…

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It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

August 28, 2018
Its Okay to Not Be Okay 5b50be2f9589d

Have you ever felt depressed or anxious and asked yourself, “Why do I feel like this? This is uncomfortable. I don’t like this feeling, and I want to make it go away right now.” While many people do not enjoy the feeling of not being okay, it is important to reflect on the relevance it has on your mind and body. While society has been a little slow in keeping up with the importance of self-care and…

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Sunday Night Blues

August 25, 2018
Sunday Night Blues 5b43b32c844f0

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling It’s Sunday afternoon and an intense feeling of dread may begin to overwhelm you. This anxiety is often accompanied by racing thoughts of what lies ahead in the work week and all the responsibilities that come with it. Some of these responsibilities include emails, meetings, deadlines, and late nights. Once the anxiety kicks in the rest of your night is then consumed with work-related stress leaving you feeling exhausted on…

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What to Do When Feeling Low

August 23, 2018
What to Do When Feeling Low 5b44c66d42b36

Do you ever feel yourself feeling really low and having low self-esteem often? Have you ever felt unable to connect with people around you due to differences that you might experience? Have you been able to identify why you are feeling that way? Low-self esteem can manifest from many ventures in our lives, including experiences in our childhood, abuse, ill health, negative life events, disturbances in relationships, and of course many other aspects. When we are feeling…

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Mental Health Benefits of Being a Sports Fan and Playing Sports

August 19, 2018
Mental Health Benefits of Being a Sports Fan and Playing Sports 5b44c5b520cae

Are you a sports fan? Do you feel connected to the players when watching sports on television or live? Do you feel happier after watching a game? How do you feel while getting ready to pick up a ball and grab a few friends and head to play some ball? How do you feel after throwing a ball around or hitting some balls? With the NBA Finals just ending, FIFA in progress, baseball in progress, football about…

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Why Isn’t My Child Talking?

August 10, 2018
Why Isnt My Child Talking 5b72e410ac23c

I will never forget the day my mom reached out to me and told me that my younger brother had talked to his teacher for the first time. I was so excited and continued to ask her questions of how it happened. For many, this might not seem like something that warrants excitement, but for my family, this was a significant event. My brother was in fifth grade and he had been struggling with an anxiety disorder…

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5 Situations to Implement Boundaries and Why It is Important

August 8, 2018
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There are so many different aspects of your life where boundaries can be imperative to implement. These can be with a wide range of components including: your friends, family, significant other, profession, or even yourself. It is easy to fall into the trap of allowing other people to impose their boundaries on you. What is not as easy is to simply tell people “no,” especially if you identify as amiable or a people pleaser. But how do…

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Considering Medication to Improve Your Mental Health? 6 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

August 4, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner If you’re considering medication to improve your mental health, it’s vital to get comprehensive information from your doctor. Some people prefer to search the internet for medical information. In this case, that would be a mistake. The material you find online might not be accurate, and much of it might not apply to your specific needs. When prescribing medication, your doctor takes into account factors such as your medical history, your genetics,…

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From Bad to Worst: 4 Ways to Manage Catastrophizing Thoughts

July 24, 2018
From Bad to Worst 4 Ways to Manage Catastrophizing Thoughts 5b649eb6c4d1a

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner When you anticipate a worst-case scenario, you create unnecessary anxiety. Dr. Boyes of Psychology Today has written that catastrophizing is a common cognitive distortion in which you predict a negative outcome followed by a catastrophic result if that negative outcome were to occur. For example, I tend to feel anxious when driving in the snow because I have certain catastrophizing thought patterns. I assume that if it’s snowy, I will encounter unsafe…

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DBT Modules Explained (Module 3 and 4)

July 22, 2018
DBT Modules Explained Module 3 and 4 5b19712bb1a24

In the previous blog post (DBT Basics), I was able to explain the very basics of DBT. In this post, you will get a better understanding of 2 of the 4 modules (the other two were explained in “DBT Modules Explained (Modules 1 and 2) that are used when working with individuals or groups in a DBT scope. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, also known as DBT, was founded by Marsha Linehan, who is currently still teaching at the…

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