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marriage counseling


How Can I Stop Intrusive Thoughts?

December 7, 2020

Danielle Bertini, LPC Intrusive thoughts are something that we all experience from time to time. You may be thinking, “What are intrusive thoughts anyway?” These are unwanted thoughts or images that pop into your head for no reason and can cause you to become somewhat obsessed or distressed. These thoughts can be no different from any other thought we might have. However, it is our attached to these thoughts that cause the real disturbance.  Again, intrusive thoughts…

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How A Good Book Improves Your Mental Health

December 6, 2020

Ashlee Stumpf, LPC It’s unlikely you will go to a doctor’s office and come out with a prescription of J.R.R. Tolkien, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t help. Storytelling is an art form as old as time. We grow up on stories to learn morals, culture, history, and the human experience. Sometimes they may take place in a fantastical world or have characters living lives extraordinarily different to our own, however that doesn’t mean we can gain…

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Concrete Ways to Cultivate Happiness: Part 2

December 5, 2020

Hello again! As previously discussed in part 1 of this blog post, each of our definitions of happiness are different, valid, and important to pursue. We frequently hear people say, “I’ll be happy when…”. But what if we could be happy now? How do we find happiness in our daily lives in order to create a more positive environment for ourselves and those around us? Well, we began discussing ways to cultivate happiness in the previous post…

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Concrete Ways to Cultivate Happiness: Part 1

December 4, 2020

It’s important to begin by asking yourself what happiness means to you. Each of our definitions of happiness will likely be different, however, it’s important to have an image in mind of how you view happiness. Many individuals believe that money is essential to happiness, and maybe it is! However, investing most or all of our time, energy, and resources into making money, with the belief that it will lead to happiness, actually leads to the exact…

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6 Reasons To Go To Therapy

November 30, 2020

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC Despite what is often depicted in TV shows and movies, therapy involves much more than just laying on a couch and talking about your feelings. Widespread stigmatization of counseling can lead to misconceptions about what exactly therapy is and how it can be helpful. The fact of the matter is, therapy can be an incredibly powerful tool in helping to work through past trauma, better regulate and manage emotions, navigate grief and transition,…

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Why Write A Book?

November 29, 2020

By Eve Brownstone, LCPC Why write a book?  We all have a story to tell. Doubts come in.  Do I have a story to tell? I will bore people. I am not a writer. So we convince ourselves that we don’t have a story to tell and we push down our creative energy. I realize not everyone is going to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, but I believe everyone has a heartfelt story to tell and…

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Why Is Journaling Helpful for My Mental Health?

November 28, 2020
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I work with many clients who are anxious and/or depressed related to their personal life or professional life, and sometimes both. My job as their clinician is to better help understand possible reasons why my client is anxious and/or depressed, and then to provide possible coping strategies to better manage their anxiety and/or depression. I often recommend clients to journal in between sessions. Many clients typically respond by saying, “Sure, I’m open to journaling, but how and…

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How Can We Grieve the Loss of a Life We Had Wanted?

November 26, 2020
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I’m one of those people who knew what I wanted to do from a young age. I knew I wanted to help people and I knew I wanted to be a mom. Once I had my end goals in place, I began working backwards to see the steps I’d need to take at each stage of my life in order to make my dreams a reality. Through my work I’ve come to realize I am not alone…

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How Can I Become a Better Leader?

November 25, 2020
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By: Danielle Bertini, LPC In some ways, we are constantly seeking “the best” from people. We want the best doctors, the best service at a restaurant, or even to get the best advice from friends. We don’t want people who will just tell us what to do, but people who have our best interests in mind. In this way, we are looking for great leadership. And we all have the ability to provide leadership at some point…

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Why is Self-Awareness Vital to Success?

November 23, 2020
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What is self-awareness? It can be used as praise, “wow you’re so self-aware!” or as an insult, “she has no self-awareness.” But what do we actually mean when we label ourselves or others as having or lacking self-awareness? The official Merriam-Webster definition of self-awareness is, “knowledge and awareness of your own personality or character.” In other words, truly knowing yourself internally, individually, and within the context of relationships and the world. Being able to identify how you…

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