I work with many clients who struggle with their self-esteem related to shame they feel either related to their professional or personal life, or perhaps even both. My job as their clinical therapist is to help clients understand the reasons where their low self-esteem is stemming from. After doing that, I help provide the clients tools on how to cope with this shame they are experiencing. Through experiencing the feeling of shame, it is heavily connected with…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Goals are the fuel that help us believe in ourselves, sustain our ambition, motivate us to succeed, and hold us accountable. Without them you may find yourself going through life without having a sense of purpose. For example, you may feel stagnant in your career, bored in your relationship, or feel like there is nothing to look forward to on a day-to-day basis. Over time this can have negative effects…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that occurs in many relationships and can unfortunately be difficult to detect. Experts in the field have formally defined the term, gaslighting, as a manipulation tactic used on another individual to make them question their own sanity as a means to gain power or control. They will always test your trust, make you question yourself, and try to make you believe others aren’t…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Hearing the phrase, “Can we talk?”, can often invoke an intense feeling of fear and uneasiness. Using your voice in relationships can feel scary as it requires vulnerability. Who would want to speak up when there is a risk of judgement, rejection, or conflict? While these fears are valid, they have most likely been shaped by previous painful experiences and interactions. It may be surprising, but failure to speak up…
Read MoreShannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC As we start to create goals or generate ideas, we typically feel motivated to complete the task right away. However, we can easily get distracted by our daily lives and put off getting what we need or want to accomplish. In addition to lack of motivation to accomplish tasks, we can also avoid following through as we lack the desire to take the action to complete them. Here are a few ways…
Read MoreWe go to our primary care doctors when we are not feeling well or annual for a physical check-up. We go to the dentist 1-2 times per year for check-ups or when we are having a tooth ache. We get pedicures and manicures, massages, haircuts, etc. all to make ourselves feel good. But what is another important thing that controls our body that we tend to neglect? OUR MIND! We often forget that when we are not…
Read MoreUnderstanding non-binary or genderqueer pronouns can be slightly confusing as we are used to using “she/her/hers” or “he/him/his” pronouns, but now including non-binary pronouns need to start becoming a part of your daily vocabulary. Including “they/theirs/them” and others (see end of post) pronouns is very important. In this blog, I will help you understand and how to use the correct Non-Binary and Genderqueer pronouns. ⦁ Normalize Pronouns: Normalizing pronouns should become a part of your routine. Adding…
Read MoreEveryone has a different idea of what a “perfect” and “happy” relationship is like. Not all relationships are the same, but having an idea of what makes a healthy relationship is important. This blog will provide you some ideas of what a healthy relationship can entail of. Comfortable Pace. Make sure that you are not rushing the relationship due to a “timeline” that you might have for yourself. Making sure that you are taking the time to…
Read MoreI work with many clients who struggle with anxiety and/or depression, typically related to their personal or professional lives. I also notice that sometimes it is with the client’s fears that increase their anxiety, which then seems to increase tendencies of self-sabotaging thoughts, actions, and behaviors. My job as their clinical therapist is to identify reasons/triggers causing those fears, and then to help them find coping strategies that work effectively for them. I recently read an article…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are experiencing anxiety whether it is due to professional stressors or personal stressors. Part of my job as a clinical therapist is not only to assess reasons why clients are experiencing their symptoms of anxiety, but also to work with them on possible coping strategies to reduce their symptoms. I have read numerous research articles that explain the connections between our mind and body, especially when it comes to anxiety. For…
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