Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

cognitive behavioral therapy


Are You Too Accessible To Distractions?

July 8, 2019
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Are you consistently on your phone, iPad, or laptop? Do you have push notifications on for each application on your phone? If you do, you are definitely not alone. While I was on vacation overseas this month, I recognized that I was consistently checking to see if I had Wi-Fi to check work emails, or to see if I had any notifications on social media. I recognized what I was doing and asked myself, why am I…

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Advice: A Helpful Life Tool

July 6, 2019
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Life is one big learning curve. As we go through the trials and tribulations of life, we hopefully come out at the end a bit stronger, wiser, and more compassionate (towards ourselves and others). There is no right or wrong way to live your life (besides perhaps following basic human rights principles such as being respectful to others and doing no harm). We may often feel the societal pressures of needing to do things a certain way,…

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Painting Something New in Life – Developing a Beginner’s Mind Perspective in Life

July 4, 2019
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Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck? Or feeling like you can repeat the same day over and over again? If you’ve ever seen the movie “Groundhog Day” (Ramis and Albert, 1993), you can relate to the idea of feeling like you’re going through the same motions over and over again or repeating the same day over and over again. This can be a normal human feeling at times – to feel stuck in the same routine…

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How to Find Happiness at Your Job

July 2, 2019
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I work with many clients who are unhappy at their job. Whether they are unhappy due to the work they’re doing, the environment they work in, their coworkers, or maybe for some, all three of those things at once. As their clinical therapist, I help the clients both understand reasons why they are unhappy at their job and then also possible coping strategies for managing this unhappiness feeling at work. I recently read an article from The…

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Finding a Therapist

June 30, 2019
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Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Making the decision to find a therapist can be intimidating and at times overwhelming. The decision alone to start talk therapy is a major step and finding the best therapist for yourself should not have to be complex. It is however essential to take the time to find a competent therapist by utilizing a few identifying factors that will aid in this selection process. The first step is to start inquiring or…

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Understanding Deaf Culture

June 26, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR 1 out of every 1,000 people in the United States becomes deaf before age 18. In addition, a larger number of people report developing hearing loss that impacts their daily lives. Yet, Deaf culture is a concept that many hearing people have not encountered or do not understand. Here are some concepts to consider on your journey to understanding Deaf culture: The Meaning of Terms It’s important to know the correct meanings of…

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6 Ways to Practice Self Care in the Workplace

June 24, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Deadines, travel, long hours, conflicts with colleagues, changing company culture, and challenging clients: the workplace is often one of the most stressful environments. Practicing self-care at work can help to improve your mood and increase and/or sustain your productivity and job satisfaction. Here are 6 methods to try in order to practice self-care in your workplace: Socialize We are social creatures and a simple one-minute interaction can positively change chemicals in our brains.…

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4 Things You Should Know About Adoptees

June 22, 2019
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Babe Ruth, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, Faith Hill, and Superman were all adopted. Adoptees and their families are often misunderstood by those who are not familiar with the impact of adoption, and most of these misunderstandings can be prevented. In order to better understand adoptees and their families, consider these points. Adoptees Might Not Have Access to Information About their History Some adoptees might not know information that those who are not adopted…

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Taking Time Apart

June 20, 2019
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor When you fall in love with someone you just can’t seem to get enough of them. Before you know it you are spending most of your free time going on dates, visiting family or friends, running errands, or staying in together. After awhile one or both of you may begin to feel like you need some time to yourself. While it can sound dramatic to “take some space” from your partner, it…

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Why Everyone Should Watch the Film "Trolls"

June 18, 2019
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“It’s hug time!!!” If you have children, you are probably very familiar with that declaration. The film Trolls came out in 2016 and until the end of 2018, I had been very successful in sidestepping that movie. I always knew it had a positive message, but I couldn’t get past how annoying Poppy’s voice was. Thus, I avoided it. Don’t judge me. But one day, my daughter asked me to watch the film with her. She really…

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