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cognitive behavioral therapy


How to Communicate with Parents/Families of a Different Culture

October 12, 2019
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Marriage has been around for a very long time, but now interracial marriages are becoming more common than before. People are more open with expanding their horizons and meeting people of different cultures and also starting families with them. In marriage, often times, not only is one person marrying another, the concept of families connecting is also becoming truer. But how do you learn how to communicate with parents and even families of a different culture than…

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Do You Know How to Manage Difficult Conversations?

October 12, 2019
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There are times when we have to have tough conversations with your friends, co-workers, bosses, employees, family, or partners. How do we manage having those conversations without being tough on them or being rude? How can we address what we want to say without them feeling attacked or defeated? How do we not allow them to attack us? Continue reading to learn how to manage difficult conversations with people in our lives… Be Direct Do not go…

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What NOT To Do With Someone Struggling with Their Mental Health

October 10, 2019
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Have you ever had a friend or family member open up to you about their mental health? Did you find yourself unsure of what to say or how to respond to them due to your lack of experience or knowledge of mental health? While mental health awareness continues to grow and stigmas continue to be challenged, many people do not know what to say or do when they are faced head-on with someone they care for experiencing…

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The Link Between Your Mood and Diet

October 9, 2019
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Hannah Hopper We’ve all heard that the food we eat impacts the way that our bodies feel, but according to recent research the food we consume can also impact our mind and emotions, and in some instances poor nutrition has been linked to depression. According to Dr. Eva Selhub of Harvard Health Publishing, certain foods that are high in sugar and processed fat are harmful for the brain, while foods like fruits, vegetables, unprocessed grains, and seafood…

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Is Your Teen Depressed?: Warning Signs and How to Help

October 8, 2019
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The transition from childhood into adolescence is never easy – it’s not easy for the transitioning teen, the parents/caregiver(s), or the whole family. As teens’ mental, physical, emotional, and social development changes, so do their behaviors. Understanding and experiencing these changes is not always a clear and simple journey. Sometimes, more complicated issues can happen for teens. Adolescents often experience an overall shift in their mental health during this developmental phase, and concerns such as depression, may…

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Adverse Childhood Experiences: How They Impact You Today

October 7, 2019
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Hannah Hopper We know that what happens to us as children matters. We still feel hurt by experiences we had growing up, and have trouble escaping the mistakes our parents made, whether it’s through repeating the same patterns we saw or because we can’t seem to get away from troubling memories. But is it possible that our negative early life experiences could also have an impact on our health and physical wellbeing today? Adverse Childhood Experiences, or…

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Being Distracted in a Digital World

October 6, 2019
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Danielle Bertini As I sit down to write this blog, my phone, laptop, and iPad all light up and simultaneously ding with notifications. It’s hard to imagine life before our world became dominated with smartphones and other devices that make us so accessible, but more importantly, so easily distracted. Although this constant fragmentation of our time and concentration has become the new normal, more and more experts are telling us that these interruptions might be eroding our…

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Tools and Techniques for Managing a Mental Health Crisis

October 5, 2019
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If you happened to stumble upon this blog post, there’s a strong chance that you are familiar with the mental health field to some capacity. Perhaps you have received your own therapeutic services in the past, or are currently curious about entering into a mental health service. You may also be in a position where you are in crisis or seeking mental health services for a loved one. One area in the mental health field that needs…

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The Connection Between Senses and Trauma

October 4, 2019
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Matthew Cuddeback, LCSW Have you ever experienced a moment that felt as though it came completely out of nowhere, in which you suddenly became anxious, sweaty, shaky? This can happen when you are at home, out with friends, etc. For example, let’s say you are at a crowded bar and all of the sudden you start to get anxious, sweaty, and are having a hard time breathing. In this scenario, let’s say you go to the hospital…

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When They Refuse to Apologize

October 3, 2019
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Matthew Cuddeback, LCSW We’ve all been there, someone has done something hurtful and you have been able to work through your emotions and process what happened and in order to feel as though it can be all wrapped up and everyone can move on, what you need next is an apology. Maybe you hint at the need for an apology, and they don’t pick up on what you are asking for. Maybe you ask for an apology…

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