Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Amanda Gregory


8 Benefits of Group Therapy

April 5, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Have you considered participating in group therapy? It’s worth thinking about. Many people have found group therapy to be helpful in addressing a variety of issues, from interpersonal skills to self-esteem. Group therapy involves meeting with a therapist and a group of individuals who have similar goals with the intention of working on these goals together. Some people participate in group therapy exclusively, while others engage in individual, family, or couples therapy…

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How to Be Heard by Your Doctor

March 21, 2018
How to Be Heard by Your Doctor 5ab2b60a28122

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Communicating with your doctor, whether they be a psychiatrist, a primary care physician, or a specialist, can be difficult in this fast-paced health care climate. Nirmal Joshi, chief medical officer of PinnacleHealth, reported that patients’ chances of having their doctor’s undivided attention have decreased due to increased documentation requirements. Doctors are now expected to record and keep track of more information than ever before, and they are rarely given additional time to…

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5 Ways to Dig Yourself Out of Clutter

March 11, 2018
5 Ways To Dig Yourself Out Of Clutter 5a958785126f1

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Most of us have too much stuff. Our belongings accumulate in closets, drawers, guest bedrooms, and storage facilities. Dr. Randy Frost of Smith College reports that people collect clutter for three reasons: sentiment, utility, and aesthetics. Your clutter could be the result of one or all of these. Sentiment. We keep objects that represent memories of positive people, places, or emotions. These include family heirlooms, photographs, and souvenirs, to name a few.…

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Fight, Flight, or Freeze: Understanding Your Response to Fear

March 9, 2018
Fight Flight or Freeze Understanding Your Response To Fear 5a958753c1ac1

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Imagine living in a world where you might be killed by a carnivorous wild animal at any moment. Only people who are hyperaware of danger and able to act quickly are likely to survive. This was the life lived by all our ancestors long ago, and they survived with the help of their primitive automatic responses to fear— to run away, to counterattack, to keep very still and escape notice. As human…

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How to Talk to Children about School Shootings

March 6, 2018
How to Talk to Children About School Shootings 5ab2b586e9db9

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner “I don’t know what to say.” “I don’t want to make it worse.” Over the past week, I’ve heard from parents, teachers, and other adults asking how to talk to children about the school shooting in Florida. These discussions can be difficult for adults and children, but they’re vital. As adults, we need to know what the children in our lives are thinking and feeling in order to provide them with emotional…

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Easy Does It: Why Small Steps Lead to Big Lifestyle Changes

March 1, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Do you struggle to incorporate new behaviors into your lifestyle? Does it sometimes seem impossible to change your established routines? If so, you’re not alone. Many people find it extremely challenging to add new behaviors into their daily lives. A former client of mine set a goal of going to the gym three mornings a week. After four weeks, this client had not gone to the gym even once. I could hear…

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Individual or Couples Counseling: Which is Right for You?

February 27, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner You’re ready to participate in counseling, but you’re not sure which type of counseling would best meet your needs. When you’re experiencing both individual and relationship issues, it’s difficult to know whether to choose individual or couples counseling. Consider the following points when making your decision. Individual Counseling You may benefit from individual counseling if: You want to participate in counseling, but your partner does not. You need to be your counselor’s…

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Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Feeling Lonely

February 17, 2018
Why You Shouldnt Feel Bad About Feeling Lonely 5a4f9bb011494

Amanda Gregory, LCPC You can feel lonely in the presence of hundreds of friends and family members, and many people do. Loneliness is your perception of a lack of social connection, regardless of your level of social support or participation. People who spend most of their time alone do not necessarily experience loneliness, just as people who spend most of their time with others are not immune to feeling lonely. The experience of loneliness is more common…

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7 Signs of a Financially Abusive Relationship

January 18, 2018

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner, Symmetry Counseling Chicago Financial abuse is often a well-kept secret. Lately, more people have been speaking up and speaking out against physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in intimate relationships, yet financial abuse is rarely mentioned. Nevertheless, it does happen. When couples decide to marry or cohabitate, many choose to combine their finances. This creates the possibility that one partner could experience financial abuse. How can you tell if you are experiencing financial…

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4 Ways to Achieve a Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age

January 7, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC Do you feel as if you’re always working? Are you constantly checking work email, texts, or voicemail? Technology can blur the lines between work and personal life, and a poor work-life balance can negatively affect your mood, health, and relationships. In this age of technology, the struggle to establish and maintain a work-life balance is common. I’ve seen many clients who were dedicated to their career, yet they also wanted a fulfilling personal life.…

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