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Blog Archives


Am I depressed? 

January 20, 2024

You may be reading this because you are wondering if you are experiencing depression. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines depression as “a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working”.   The NIMH also mentions a few types of depression, for example:  Persistent depression disorder/dysthymia: long lasting depression, for at least 2 years or longer. Major Depression:…

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Body Image: Why is it so hard to like my body?

January 5, 2024

Written by Kara Thompson-Miller, Licensed Clinical Social Worker: January 2023   “Why is it so hard to like my body?”: A unassumingly complex question that has been asked by many clients in many different variations, but one that, nonetheless, tends to show up in the therapy space time and time again. In this blog, I aim to speak to some theoretical lenses that can allow further exploration of this question and ways to move through it.  …

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Switching Careers: I Did It and So Can You-Here’s How

December 20, 2023

Megan Mulroy, LCPC    Something I see frequently with my clients is job dissatisfaction. Long hours, lengthy responsibilities, and mistreatment from peers and supervisors is all too common. What I also see with these clients is often intense fear around switching careers. “It’s too late,” “It would be a massive pay cut,” “I don’t have the time to apply/study/insert tedious action item here,” “The benefits are too good.” And- I GET IT! These are all incredibly valid…

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Why Do I Hate Myself?

December 5, 2023

Zoe Mittman, LSW Why do I hate myself? As a psychotherapist, self-hatred is a common topic of conversation. The truth is there is simply not one answer. There are a multitude of reasons that you may feel this way, and I am going to share with you some of the most common reasons, as well as tools to cope with those emotions and lean into self-compassion. Before we get started, if you struggle with feelings of self-hatred…

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Why am I feeling so overwhelmed?

November 20, 2023

Karolina Jasko   Individuals vocalize feeling overwhelmed pretty often. It is a common word in our vocabulary. But do we really know what being overwhelmed means? Do we know why it happens? And do we know how to conquer the feeling? Chances are you may not be able to answer yes to all three of those questions. In this blog post, I’ll navigate you through the answers to these three questions.  People often times associate the feeling…

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Why is Boundary-Setting With my Parents so Difficult?

October 20, 2023

Zoe Mittman Licensed Social Worker   Fill in the statements below: I am ___. Other people are ___. The world is ___. At Symmetry Counseling, we believe our past experiences impact how we view ourselves and others and how we navigate through the world. If you compare your above three answers with other people, you are likely to have many different answers, yet also some subtle similarities. Childhood is a critical time of development. Therefore, the relationship…

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Why Am I Feeling So Overwhelmed And What Can I Do About It?

October 15, 2023

Hannah Cericola  Being inundated by thoughts and emotions related to stressors can be strenuous and time-consuming. Often, people who are overwhelmed feel as though they are struggling to cope with responsibilities and find it difficult to function. At Symmetry Counseling, we understand that being flooded with emotions, thoughts, responsibilities, and day-to-day tasks can easily overwhelm a person and cause irrational thoughts, paralysis, disproportionate reactions, withdrawal, pessimism, mood changes, and physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing,…

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Five Questions to Think About When Considering “Should I Date Them?”

October 5, 2023

Karolina Jasko We understand that dating around can be exhilarating for many reasons at Symmetry Counseling, but it can also be overwhelming. There comes a certain point when you’re seeing someone where you ask yourself the question… “Do I want to be with them?”. This can be a big decision, so you want to make sure you’re thinking about it clearly. If you are struggling with relationships or want some advice on how to get started, contact…

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How Do I Prepare for a Life Transition?

September 20, 2023

Karolina Jasko   A natural part of life is change. Change happens often, and big indicators of change are life transitions. They can be filled with a lot of positive and negative emotions, but it’s important to note that they are unavoidable. Life transitions are brought on from both happy and stressful events. Some examples of life transitions may include: accepting a new job, graduating college, moving out of your parent’s home, moving in with a partner,…

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What is DBT?

September 5, 2023

What is DBT? At Symmetry Counseling, we are all about taking multiple approaches to mental health to make sure you are receiving care that is tailored to your desired outcome. Contrary to popular belief, DBT isn’t just for those who suffer from borderline personality disorder — it’s for anyone seeking emotional well-being. Schedule an appointment with our licensed therapists to learn about the ‘Active Ingredients’ and gain control over your life today. What Is DBT? Dialectical behavior…

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