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5 Ways to Say “I Love You”

October 26, 2018
5 Ways to Say I Love You 5bd72f90c3870

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Those three little words, “I love you”, carry so much weight. While it may seem obvious to let someone know you love them, speaking those words doesn’t come easy to everyone. People experience love in many different forms and there are so many ways to express your love other than saying it. The most important thing is to express your love to your partner in some way, shape, or form.…

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5 Love Languages

October 22, 2018

When we start dating someone, we tend to feel what people call the “honeymoon” stage in which everything is perfect. Neither individual in the relationship can do anything wrong and everything is all rosy and perfect. Both partners are putting their first foot forward and are showing off their true colors. After a few months, partners start to argue or have differences. That is when the honeymoon stage is officially over. Being able to identify what your…

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Avoid the Four Horsemen

October 18, 2018
Avoid the four horsemen 5bd731b19eaad

We may have all heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, death, famine, war, and conquest; however, have you heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse for communication? According to Dr. John Gottman, the Four Horsemen are Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling. He labeled these communication styles as the Four Horsemen, because research was able to predict the end of a relationship when these styles were being used in communication. As a therapist, I see…

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How to Strengthen Bonds with Your Chosen Family

October 16, 2018
How to Strengthen Bonds 5bd7325e3947d

Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Blood is thicker than water. This familiar proverb might not mean what you think. It may not refer to the strength of genetic family ties but to the power of the bonds we forge with those outside our biological family. Some believe that the phrase “Blood is thicker than water” originated from the saying “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,” which conveys that those who…

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Quiet Your Inner Critic

October 11, 2018
Quiet Your Inner Critic 5bb2346ba33d8

“I didn’t try hard enough” “I won’t be able to do that” “I look bad today” Do any of these phrases sound familiar? Unfortunately, most of us are used to hearing this negative self-talk and it can be very detrimental to our general well-being and mental health. Let’s examine negative self-talk and a way to combat it. What is negative self-talk? Often referred to as the “inner critic”, negative self-talk is the tiny voice in your head…

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Getting Yourself Out of a Mental Rut

October 10, 2018
Getting Yourself Out of a Mental Rut 5bb23468a0ea8

We all have moments of being really happy one second, and then really down the next. We like to call that a mental rut. But how do you get yourself out of that? It is not pleasant being in in a state of all joy and then feeling completely different the next moment. When feeling this way, you need to first admit to yourself that you are in a rut and think positively that you will get…

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The Dangers Of Comparing Yourself To Others

October 9, 2018
The Dangers Of Comparing Yourself To Others 5bb2346f40d8b

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling If you are constantly finding yourself in the tempting yet dangerous head space of comparing yourself to others, you are not alone. Comparing ourselves to others is a natural way for us to evaluate ourselves and can be used as an opportunity for growth. While it can be used as motivation it is often taken too far and leads individuals down a dangerous rabbit hole of self-doubt and insecurity. With…

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Challenging Criticism In Your Relationship

October 6, 2018
Challenging Criticism In Your Relationship 5bb3ab5747b18

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Criticism, the first of Dr. John Gottman’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, has been shown to be one of the four highest predictors for divorce along with stonewalling, defensiveness, and contempt. Criticism plays its role in every relationship to some degree; however, there is a point where a significant amount of criticism takes a severe toll on a romantic relationship. In most cases, it starts out pretty minor and escalates…

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Is It The Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

October 3, 2018
Is It The Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression 5ba2aeb8e5fff

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling As you bring a new baby into the world, you may expect to be in a state of pure bliss and happiness. Instead, you might have gotten blindsided by a whirlwind of negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, sadness, loneliness, and moodiness. While you may have been looking forward to finally getting to bond with your baby, you end up feeling guilty because you can’t stop this rollercoaster of emotions.…

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5 Ways to Handle Crisis

September 28, 2018
5 Ways to Handle Crisis 5b8586c54353a

Throughout their lives, many people will go through a crisis or challenging occurrence. While experiencing crises and challenges is a normal part of life, not everyone knows how to handle or respond to a crisis while experiencing it. I find that many clients of mine are attempting to cope with a crisis in their life and are looking for skills to utilize when the crisis is currently occurring, or even to handle a crisis that happened in…

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