Holidays are not always the happiest of times for everyone. If loved ones have passed during the year, the holidays are always a part of the “firsts” which is of course hard to handle. If you have to work and are unable to get to your family or friends is also difficult. When feeling down and having to attend multiple functions can be overwhelming and can lead to toxic relationships. In this post, I will identify 5…
Read MoreMental health has a very bad stigma that we need to break. There is nothing wrong with mental health or having to see a therapist or taking medications. Why do we feel like we cannot talk about what is honestly happening in our lives? Being honest with ourselves and with others about mental health can help break the stigma that we live in. Talk openly about mental health. Be honest and open with friends, co-workers, family, people…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Every breakup takes it toll one way or another but there are certain heartbreaks that leave you feeling utterly devastated. During this kind of heartache it seems impossible to eat, sleep, see people, or even be happy or laugh. All you really want to do is isolate from others, cry, avoid the situation, and potentially try to “just try to move on”. While healing your heart is a different process…
Read MoreAs a therapist, I often see in session the struggles my clients have with patience. I have experienced couples being frustrated with one another about their conflict cycles continuing, or annoyed with their partner for not doing household chores when asked. I have also heard individuals get frustrated with the traffic that made them late to the sessions, or express frustration with the therapy process as a whole because things are not changing as quickly as they…
Read MoreFor many of us, the transition from the workplace to home can be stressful and bring less relief than we’d like. For workers who feel unable to turn off a stream of negative thoughts, feelings, and memories from the workday, home may feel less relaxing than it should. Feeling as if you have no control over the stress of work spilling into your evening at home is a sign that you need stronger boundaries in place to…
Read MoreGetting angry is a normal part of life and, like it or not, it is also a normal occurrence in relationships. Anger can be caustic and harmful between two people if it is not handled well. It can exacerbate problems, prevent productive communication, and inhibit problem solving. Understanding your anger can help you to control or change how you respond to it. What you FEEL from the EMOTION Even though we use the words emotions and feelings…
Read MoreI work with many clients who are stressed out for a variety of reasons, whether it is related to school, work, friends, family, or their romantic relationship. Some clients even discuss that due to feeling highly stressed, they have a tendency to become angry quickly and lose their patience with a coworker, friend, partner, or perhaps even themselves. We live in a society where people move fast all of the time. I often encourage clients to practice…
Read MoreAll couples fight. In fact, the process of rupture and repair can actually be strength-building. The key as to whether an argument or difficult conversation makes a pair stronger lies in HOW a couple fights. Maladaptive Disagreement Strategies An eye for an eye This can also look like fighting to fight. Have you ever been in a heated conversation and without thinking, you respond to something hurtful in a somewhat attacking manner? “Yeah, well you did x,…
Read MoreAndrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC Let’s face it, we all would benefit from improving our communication with each other. While I recommend therapy for anyone seeking to improve their communication skills, this blog will present a basic overview on some of the styles and techniques that can be used to improve your communication. The Four Communication Styles Passive communication occurs when we do not directly communicate our preferences and put the needs of others ahead of our own.…
Read MoreKaitlin Broderick, LCPC What is codependency? The term is often associated with addiction. For example, the codependent might “enable” an addict’s behavior or contribute to relationship dysfunction by becoming overly immersed in the actions, consequences, and behaviors of the addict (their dependent). In doing this, the codependents neglect their own mental and physical well-being. This is certainly one definition of codependency and how the term came about in the first place. However, codependency can often occur with…
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