Often times we just feel stuck. It seems as if everything that we have tried is impossible to get out of this rut and we cannot feel any better. We have tried coping skills that we know and that others have encouraged us to use, we have tried to ignore it, we have tried to focus on it, and nothing seems to work. We often times feel stuck when we have a big decision to make and…
Read MoreSexual Transmitted Diseases, also known as STDs, are more common that one would think. Educating not only yourself, but also your partner about STDs is very important and making sure that both of you are being tested frequently if you have multiple partners, especially in open relationships, polyamorous relationships, LGTBQ individuals. I would know if my partner had an STD You might think you know your partner(s) well, but unfortunately you cannot tell just by looking at…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor We often focus on the problems relationships present and can lose sight of what we are working towards. While many of us can identify conflict, blame, resentment, jealousy, and anger as components of an unhealthy relationship, can you also define a healthy one? People struggle with some of these “ugly” parts of a relationship, but at the end of the day we are all fighting for the healthy and loving relationship we…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor Spring is here and that means longer days, warmer weather, and a fresh start. It can be a great time to reflect on how your year has gone so far and consider areas for growth. Maybe it’s exercise, healthy eating, your social life, or your relationship, but it is also important to consider adding more positivity to your life. Seeing the positive side to life lifts your mood, the mood of those…
Read MoreRelationships ebb and flow over time, and so do feelings of connectedness with your partner. If you have ever been in a relationship or currently are in one, you may notice shifts in how connected you feel to your partner at any given time. Feeling connected in your relationship can look different for you than it does for your partner. It is important and healthy to have an open line of communication with your partner on what…
Read MoreAndrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC Unconditional self-acceptance teaches us to accept all aspects ourselves because we are unique, and to be forgiving of ourselves because we are fallible. Practicing USA instead of relying on conditional self esteem increases our ability to rationally cope with adversity. If we base our self esteem on our ability to successfully achieve status, we will be unable to unconditionally accept ourselves. It is important that we strive towards short- and long-term goals for…
Read MoreIf you like to “Netflix-and-chill”, it’s likely that you have watched (or at least heard of) the popular show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. This show is gaining a lot of attention because the premise hits close to home for many people – de-cluttering your cluttered life. Marie Kondo, the adorable mastermind and host of the show, applies the KonMari method to help families de-clutter their homes. The KonMari method is broken down into five specific categories…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Conflict, disagreement, and confrontation are things every couple experience at some point in their relationship. While it is a healthy and normal phenomenon, fighting can also include unhealthy behaviors and communication patterns. In these situations, one partner may become very activated and begin to yell while the other starts to shut their partner out by walking away, playing on their phone, or not speaking to their partner. This shutting out…
Read MoreShannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC When we seek out help from medical providers, we are putting trust in that the provider can “fix” or “solve” our presenting concerns. This is also seen within the mental health field, in how individuals will enter therapy for answers to what is “wrong” with them. Finding these answers cannot always come from the help of just one provider or treatment method. It can be helpful for an individual to utilize all…
Read MoreWhether I am working with couples, families, or individuals, one topic never fails to come up in therapy. Communication. Communicating is something that we are constantly doing, either verbally or nonverbally. Communication may be challenging with others when you are not communicating clearly and effectively. It would be important to note that what is clear and effective to you, may not be the same to someone else. For instance, you may need to speak very clearly and…
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