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Why Do People Self-Harm?

June 15, 2021
Why Do People Self Harm

Hannah Hopper, LPC  Self-harm is something that happens often, and yet, like many other mental health challenges, there’s a lot of stigma around it. If you’ve never struggled with it before, it might be hard to understand why someone would engage in self-harm. But even though it’s hard to talk about self-harm, we can begin to break down the stigma by understanding why some people engage in it. So why do people self-harm?  To feel present People…

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What is Rumination and Why Do I Ruminate?

June 14, 2021

By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC Negative rumination is when we chew over and obsess about negative thoughts. When we ruminate, we tend to focus on what we perceive to be the causes, consequences, and symptoms of our distress, rather than solutions to alleviate it. Those who ruminate are more prone to anxiety, stress, and depression. In this post, I am going to review some reasons for why we ruminate. In future posts, I…

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Why Am I So Stressed All of the Time?

June 13, 2021
Why Am I So Stressed All of the Time

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC 3 Quick Tips for Achieving Peace of Mind In this time of great uncertainty, many of us find ourselves in an almost continuous state of stress. Here are some ways to alleviate stress:       Manage Expectations “Expectations are premeditated resentments” – Unknown. How we feel is not only based on what happens to us, but also how these experiences align with our expectations. For example, if…

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What is The Difference Between Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

June 12, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC Do you hear people use the terms Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder interchangeably? Well, though they are somewhat similar, both mental health conditions are distinct in their own way. It is quite normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time, whether about home life, job stress, relationships, and kids; However, when these worries turn to ruminating thoughts that are difficult to turn off and even impact daily functioning, it can certainly be…

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Did You Know You Can Navigate Your Anxiety?

June 11, 2021
Did You Know You Can Navigate Your Anxiety

Steven Losardo, AMFT  You may be feeling a lot of apprehension about returning to work after months of working at home or unemployment while knowing we are still in the pandemic. You may be experiencing anxiety about what comes next for you. Feeling this way is common; anxiety has increased for many people during this time. One research study on Google trends discovered that more people have been searching for “worry” and “anxiety” as well as techniques…

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The Power of The Sticky Note

June 7, 2021
The Power of The Sticky Note

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW When I am working with people on changing a behavior that has been identified as unhealthy or problematic, we often focus on two areas that help with this change, 1. Addressing the underlying issues that led to this behavior, and 2. Specific skills needed to manage this behavior change. When we get to this second one, I often discuss with client’s the power of the sticky note as a tool to help with changing…

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If Highly Agreeable, Are You Less Likely To Make As Much?

June 6, 2021
If Highly Agreeable Are You Less Likely To Make As Much

 Steven Losardo, AMFT Negotiation of salaries is a tricky endeavor for anyone, but it can be a more complicated process for certain personality types. This dilemma is why understanding your personality characteristics can come in handy when it comes to essential decision-making processes such as asking for a raise. Agreeableness as a personality trait. According to the five-factor model of personality, agreeableness refers to one of five personality traits that we possess in varying degrees. The other…

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I Have to go Outside Again? The Impacts of Re-Entry Anxiety

June 5, 2021
I Have to go Outside Again

Jessica Pontis, LCSW On March 11, 2020, Covid-19 was officially declared to be a pandemic and all at once the world seemed to stand still.  Countries locked down, wedding plans changed, families forced to grieve the loss of loved ones.  We’ve lost jobs, connection, and precious time.  Up until very recently so much of the conversation around Covid-19 has been about how I can make it through lockdown, how can I stay safe, when will I be…

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How to Navigate Grief

June 4, 2021
How to Navigate Grief

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC There are few things that affect the human soul as grief does. It cuts deep and has the potential to bring even the strongest person’s life to a standstill. We all have persons whom we love deeply, and whether it is by death, divorce or any other permanent end to a relationship, grieving these losses can take a significant emotional and physical toll. It is indeed one of the greatest fears we as…

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How Do I Handle the Pressures To Be In a Relationship?

June 3, 2021

Andrew Castillo, LCSW, MSW We often have a picture of what our lives with look like and include; we will go to college, find a great job, and start a family, all before 30 of course. Many (not all) of us, feel a very real pressure to be in a long-term relationship, particularly if we have been single for an extended length of time. This pressure can come from family, friends, or ourselves! This pressure can lead…

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