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postpartum depression


5 Steps to Overcoming Procrastination

December 6, 2018
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Andrew McNaughton, LCSW, CADC Procrastination is the poison of progress, and its antidote is building motivation through planning and action. In the Stages of Change, we can find ourselves lingering in the Contemplation or Preparation Stages for weeks, months, or even years. Here are 5 simple steps to help increase motivation and overcome procrastination: Define the goal: What exactly are you striving for? Be as specific as possible. While goals of “be happier,” “get a better job,”…

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The Dangers of Searching for Your Soulmate

December 4, 2018
The Dangers of Searching for Your Soulmate 5c09a8e1799e4

I work with many clients who are assessing their current romantic relationship or what they want in their future romantic relationship. Both are very useful and beneficial exercises to do. Many people are looking for their soulmate, and someone they can spend the rest of their life with. This idea of a soulmate may stem from wanting to find their own happy ending, that Disney movie fairy tale they have dreamed of ever since they were little.…

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Being “Perfect” Isn’t Always Perfect

December 2, 2018
Being Perfect Isnt Always Perfect 5c09a842e5fd2

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling What does it mean to be a perfectionist? It is easy to believe that those who classify as a perfectionist are on track to become perfect, but that is far from the truth. Being a perfectionist isn’t necessarily about things being “perfect”, but needing to be and striving for it at any cost. For example, a perfectionist may hold beliefs such as “I am not okay as I am”, “No…

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6 Tips to Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Pet

November 30, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR As a therapist, I always ask new clients if they have a pet. It might seem like an odd question, but research studies have indicated that having a relationship with a pet can positively impact your physical and mental health. To make the most of that positive influence, it’s important to ensure that your bonds with your pet are strong. So how do you strengthen a relationship with an animal? Try these six…

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3 Ways To Say You Aren’t Interested Other Than Ghosting

November 28, 2018
3 Ways To Say You Arent Interested Other Than Ghosting 5c09a83abd32c

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Being a part of the dating scene these days includes a lot of swipes, coffee dates, drinks, laughs, great connections, and even some bad dates. The easy and very common way to let someone know you aren’t interested is to “ghost” them. Ghosting someone entails ceasing all communication and contact with them without warning or explanation. To be honest, most of you have probably thought about ghosting someone at some…

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Creating Nightly Routines and Why It is Important

November 27, 2018
Creating Nightly Routines and Why It is Important 5c09a845bc424

I work with many clients who struggle to get their days started without feeling overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, or anxious. What many individuals fail to realize is that waking up on the “right side of the bed” starts with your nightly routine. While they are completely different parts of the day, having a relaxing, yet proactive and productive nightly routine can make for a better start to your morning, especially if you are someone that is required to…

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What is Emotional Intelligence, and How Can I Implement It in My Professional Life?

November 24, 2018
What is Emotional Intelligence and How Can I Implement It in My Professional Life 5be079f6e2cc3

I work with many clients who are incredibly stressed in their professional lives, including having challenging colleagues or not getting along with their boss. When talking with them, I help them discover what kind of coping skills can help them with their day-to-day professional stressors. It is very common to feel overwhelmed while at work, especially if you have a work culture environment that is less than ideal. One thing I commonly bring up to my clients…

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6 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

November 23, 2018
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Now that we’re at the end of November, holiday season is in full swing! Hopefully you just had a great Thanksgiving and people everywhere will continue celebrating various holidays through January. All the joys of the season coexist alongside all of its difficulties and struggles. To help keep yourself healthy over the next few months, keep these tips in mind: 1. Get your sleep. The holidays bring a lot of disruptions in normal schedules and routines for…

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How to Stick to New Years Resolutions

November 18, 2018
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Stores are starting to sell holiday decorations, which means that the 2019 will be here before we know it. You might have thought of some resolutions for 2018, but honestly, how long did those resolutions last? I am assuming for a few weeks or maybe a month or two. You probably cannot recall what they are now. Well, 2019 is a new year and we can start again. But this time, instead of calling them “resolutions,” why…

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Managing Food Stressors at the Holidays

November 17, 2018
Managing Food Stressors at the Holidays 5bec8c4c9773d

Many holiday celebrations incorporate sharing a meal amongst members of a community, big or small. Food can serve as a beautiful way to bond and to unite. In fact, there may even be an evolutionary basis to the concept that food is love. Several types of monkeys have been observed to use food in order to strengthen social bonds with other monkeys both within and outside of their kinship network (Hamilton, 2013). Yet for those struggling to…

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