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postpartum depression


Quarreling with Quarantine

April 21, 2020
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Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC  I know I’m not the only one who is quarreling with quarantine and disappointed and shocked at how 2020 has turned out thus far. Watching people arguing in the grocery store about toilet paper is something I never expected to see. We’ve all been pushed out of our comfort zones –  routines have been interrupted, plans completely destroyed and the whole world feels like it’s turned upside down. We continue to hear…

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Confronting Corona: Mitigating Anxiety

April 21, 2020
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Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Feeling anxiety related to coronavirus, also known as COVID-19? Well, it’s safe to say that you’re not alone! There are so many things to be anxious about – catching the virus itself, adjusting to a new routine during quarantine, financial burdens, school closures, cancelled events, and many other things floating around on the media. Anxiety related to this virus has seemingly crossed the line. In order to mitigate your anxiety during this…

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Navigating Stress/Anxiety and COVID-19

April 21, 2020
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Uncertainty can be scary and can often increase symptoms of anxiety and stress. The end of this COVID-19 pandemic is not yet in sight, and I have been hearing from a lot of friends, family, and clients that their levels of stress and anxiety have been significantly higher since Chicago went on lockdown. It appears as though people are hoping to find answers to when life will go back to their day to day normal and tend…

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GIVE: The Key to Effective Communication in a Relationship

April 10, 2020
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Maintaining effective communication within a relationship can be a challenging task, yet when individuals within a relationship are able to express their needs and wants appropriately, the relationship is much more likely to flourish and prosper. Expressing our desires to our loved-ones, however, can sometimes be difficult due to extraneous factors such as our fear of rejection, disapproval, or embarrassment for wanting something. Marsha M. Linehan, the founder of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and professor of Psychology…

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7 Simple Coping Mechanisms to Help With That Mid-Afternoon Slump at Work

April 4, 2020
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I work with many clients who describe feeling that midafternoon slump at their job. For those that work the 9-5pm Monday-Friday job, it is very common to feel the midafternoon slump around 2pm due to the simple fact that you likely needed to wake up by 7am at the very latest to get to your job by 9am. As a clinical therapist, I help my clients better understand contributing factors regarding their midafternoon slump; I then help…

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Why Should I Spend Time Alone? Part Two

April 2, 2020
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If you read my last blog post referencing the article from The New York Times, “Why you should find time to be alone with yourself” by author Micaela Marini Higgs, you may be curious about not only the benefits of spending alone time, but also how to implement alone time in your life.   Below answers those two items from the remaining part of Higgs’s article.    What are the benefits of spending time alone? There was a…

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Coping With Coronavirus

April 1, 2020
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Hannah Hopper, LPC It’s in the news, it’s on social media, it’s all the people in our lives have been talking about lately – Coronavirus seems to have taken over our world and our mental space too. And with so much news bombarding us on a minute-by-minute basis, it’s easy to neglect our mental health. Anxiety can overwhelm before we even realize we’re starting to feel anxious. 1. Stick to Your Routine In times of stress and…

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It’s OK to Cry…

April 1, 2020
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It is ok to cry.  It is ok to cry. It is ok to cry. (insert tears).  Why do we feel like it’s not ok to cry? Why do we feel like crying equals a sign of weakness?  Why does crying mean that we are sad? Why do people become awkward when someone is crying? I do not know how many times I can say this, but it is OK to cry.  It is ok to allow…

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How to Stay Positive

April 1, 2020
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During the coronavirus period of our lives, also known as COVID-19, I feel like people around have become very paranoid (which is valid emotions) but we are forgetting how to stay positive in times of panic. Humans sometimes tend to forget that there are positives in our lives and we focus on the negatives. Lets refocus on positives and reminding ourselves how to. In this post, I will makes sure I work on providing you ways to…

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Breathe In…Breathe Out…

April 1, 2020
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I have been feeling very heightened lately with all the COVID-19 stuff happening and I think mainly the fact that people keep talking about it. We are all in the know of what is happening, but it is getting to a point where I do not need to constantly know what is happening or what your thoughts are about it. I have found myself getting slightly more agitated when we all are talking about COVID-19. So how…

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