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online therapy


How Do We Stay Connected?

July 20, 2021

Hannah Hopper, LPC  As we head into the summer months, there’s so much in our world that’s changing. Businesses are opening up, restaurants are allowing indoor dining again, and more people are beginning to feel comfortable getting together with family and friends. With things opening up and fuller schedules, many of our schedules are starting to change, and it could take some extra effort to stay connected with your partner. How you start and end each day…

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How Can I Get Closure After a Breakup Without Involving My Ex?

July 16, 2021
How Can I Get Closure After a Breakup Without Involving My Ex

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Relationship closure is the experience of acceptance and resolution once a relationship has ended. Closure is an important experience, but it can be difficult to achieve if one or both partners are unable to participate in interactions that promote closure. There are many factors that determine whether former partners are able to achieve closure together. Here are a few components that need to be present:     Safety. Both partners feel…

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Why Should I Spend More Time Alone?

July 15, 2021
Why Should I Spend More Time Alone

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC            I love my family and friends. But I absolutely love spending time by myself. To me, there is no better feeling than being able to sit alone in silence and enjoy my own company, especially after spending a lot of time with others. As an introvert, I can only take so much “together time” before my energy is drained and I am craving a quieter, less stimulating place.            If you aren’t…

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How Can I Meditate When I’m Busy?

July 6, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Meditation is one of the most popular methods to improve emotional health. Yet, what if you don’t you have the time to meditate? In that case, you need meditations that are fast and simple: meditations that can be done anywhere – not just at home or in a quiet place – but on the train, at work, or waiting in a line at a store.  Here are a few fast and…

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Why Am I So Bored?

July 4, 2021
Why Am I So Bored

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC Since the beginning of the pandemic, one of the most common concerns I hear from my clients is that they feel bored. I think we have all felt bored at some point in our lives, but what is boredom exactly? In this post I will describe boredom and review the pros and cons. Generally, boredom sets in when three conditions are met: We feel a lack of stimulation;…

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A Simple Way to Improve Your Relationship

May 15, 2021

Turning Towards Love: A Simple Way to Improve Your Relationship “How was your day?” “Can I have a hug?” “I heard a song you might like today!” These all seem like pretty simple prompts or questions that probably happen within your relationship on a daily basis. What if I told you that these simple prompts actually provide a huge opportunity for growth and connection within your relationship? These “prompts” are what John and Julie Gottman have identified…

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Did You Review These Before You Committed to Your Partner?

May 14, 2021

Steven Losardo, AMFT You began your dating relationship before the Covid-19 restrictions started. Once the pandemic hit, you were able to adjust. There was careful planning for dates and spending time in each other’s homes that included testing and waiting for negative results. Further, before getting intimate, you were “quarantining for two weeks without symptoms — before close, mask-free proximity” (Sarmiento, 2020). You even ran an assessment of each other’s community transmission rates, preexisting conditions or health…

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Did You Know You Should Consider Couples Therapy?

May 13, 2021

Steven Losardo, AMFT The issues you have with your partner are the daily elephant in the room. You are both aware of them and realize you need some help as they are not going away. While you have heard about couple therapy or couples counseling, you have not taken it under consideration when there is an issue in your relationship. You have listened to the common reasons couples seek therapy, and they do not seem to line…

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Is EMDR For Me?

April 30, 2021

Hannah Hopper, LPC Maybe you’ve heard of EMDR from a friend, your therapist has referenced it as a treatment to try, or you’ve seen it in a TV show. EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – is a type of therapy that uses bilateral stimulation or eye movements to help clients process and desensitize traumatic events and beliefs. It has quickly gained popularity since it was first developed, and is now one of the leading evidence-based…

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What Are Love Maps and Why Are They Important?

February 23, 2021

Kyle Lawell, Licensed Professional Counselor Your partner asks you to pick up some groceries on your way home from work: ice cream, paper towels, cereal, eggs, and flour. You go to the store, quickly breeze through the aisles and grab these groceries before making your way home. Upon putting the groceries away and settling down after a long day of work, your partner comes to you and expresses frustration about the groceries that you bought. While you…

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