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online counseling


Transference, Countertransference, and Vicarious Trauma

December 21, 2020

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC “A hurtful act is the transference to others of the degradation which we bear in ourselves” – Simone Weil Put simply, transference is the idea that clients will bring residual feelings or issues from past relationships and transfer or project them onto the counselor in the current therapeutic relationship. Clients interact with and react to people and situations in a way that reveals patterns from their past. It is through this process of projection that…

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Navigating Romantic Relationships, Part II

December 20, 2020

Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Life is all about the connections we make and the relationships we sustain that bring joy and happiness into our lives. One of the most important relationships we will have is the one with the person that we choose to spend the rest of our life with. Choosing a life partner is difficult, and following and having trust within your own path with this is key. You’re not late, you’re not early,…

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Navigating Romantic Relationships, Part I

December 19, 2020

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC My clientele ranges from age eighteen to people in their forties and fifties, so romantic relationships come up in just about every session. The dating world can be confusing, and many clients wonder what to do when they are ready for the next step, but the partner fails to commit and wants to wait and see how and where it goes. Navigating Romantic Relationships: What If They Aren’t Certain About a…

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Did You Know That Resentment Is Withholding Peace from Your Life?

December 10, 2020

Steven Losardo, AMFT More than ever, we need some peace in our lives. The kind of peace that surpasses one’s understanding when it shows up during unforeseen chaos. The inner tranquility brings us a sense we are loved while providing joy, patience, kindness, and goodness. Unfortunately, the road to this mindful place can have a few cobwebs entangling us in relational discord or even hatred. Often, this is due to resentments that we may hold. I wrote…

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How Can My Partner and I Increase Intimacy in Our Relationship?

December 8, 2020

Danielle Bertini, LPC There are many different aspects in relationships that are important.  And one of those aspects is intimacy. Intimacy is the sense of another person fully knowing you and loving you because of who you are. This requires a large amount of honesty and vulnerability. Intimacy can be fostered both in and out of the bedroom. Kerry (2016) offers ten ways to increase intimacy in your relationship.    Disclose more to feel closer.   A…

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How Can I Stop Intrusive Thoughts?

December 7, 2020

Danielle Bertini, LPC Intrusive thoughts are something that we all experience from time to time. You may be thinking, “What are intrusive thoughts anyway?” These are unwanted thoughts or images that pop into your head for no reason and can cause you to become somewhat obsessed or distressed. These thoughts can be no different from any other thought we might have. However, it is our attached to these thoughts that cause the real disturbance.  Again, intrusive thoughts…

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How Can I Build Deeper Intimacy with My Partner?

November 19, 2020
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Steven Losardo, AMFT This blog will highlight some ways for a couple to create intimacy. Additionally, the blog will review how a couple can intentionally create rituals to continue these. The practice gives the couple a meaningful way to connect and something that you can look forward to (Gottman, 2017). Finally,  rituals help the couple keep on track with the new behaviors and not revert to old patterns. The “royal road” to intimacy is emotional availability and…

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Relationships: Is Our Conflict Healthy?

November 18, 2020

Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC Having conflicts is a normal part of being in a relationship. Healthy conflict with your partner can lead to better communication and a stronger relationship as both parties are able to talk about what’s important to them. But having healthy conflict is difficult, and most of us engage in behaviors that can be damaging to our relationship. Below are some ways to learn more about the kind of conflict you’re engaging in.  Healthy…

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6 Barriers to Healthy Communication

November 2, 2020
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By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC One of the most common and important issues in couples counseling is communication. Without healthy communication, other goals such as building trust, having more intimacy, and demonstrating mutual respect are difficult to attain. For this post, I am going to lay out 6 factors that interfere with our ability to communicate effectively with our partner. Remember, when communication gets better, other facets of the relationship are also likely…

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The Essentials of Effective Communication in a Romantic Relationship

October 31, 2020
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By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC When I ask couples why they are seeking therapy, I often hear “We want to work on our communication.” In a previous post I laid out barriers to effective communication. In this post I list ways to communicate in a healthy way with your partner. Assertiveness Assertive communication is about respecting your partner’s boundaries and your own. It includes being open and honest with how you are feeling…

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