Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

marriage counseling


5 Time Management Misconceptions in the Workplace

October 24, 2019
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I work with many clients who are overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and sometimes even depressed at their jobs because they have stressful careers where there is a ton of responsibilities on their plate. Sometimes my clients report they get overwhelmed due to lacking in time management skills at their job. My job as their clinical therapist is to help the client understand possible reasons why they are struggling with time management skills and then also possible coping skills…

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Do we actually need to have hobbies to be happy and productive at work? Yes.

October 22, 2019
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I work with many clients who struggle to give time for themselves, such as doing some self care by implementing one of their favorite hobbies, due to their busy professional life. My job as their clinical therapist is to help the client better understand why they are not allowing themselves to have their “me” time and possible coping mechanisms to carve back time in for themselves. Sometimes clients haven’t allowed themselves to participate in their hobbies for…

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Phrases to Use When Giving Your Therapist Negative Feedback

October 19, 2019
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Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Your therapist isn’t perfect and is sure to mess up in one way or another. When something isn’t going right it’s important to address it with your therapist by providing them with direct feedback. Giving feedback can improve your relationship with your therapist, get your treatment back on track, or give you the push that’s needed to end therapy or seek services elsewhere. Providing negative feedback to your therapist can feel…

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True Awakenings: The Process and How to Heal

October 17, 2019
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Have you ever experienced an earth-shattering moment in your life, one that made you question who you are, or reevaluate your belief systems? Perhaps you’ve had an experience close to that – like a “wake up call”, a moment that made you act on healthier changes in a rapid way. Or, perhaps you’ve been trying to get to that “aha!” moment but seem to be stuck or cannot find your way there. Whatever your case may be,…

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Saying “No” at Work

October 15, 2019
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Danielle Bertini Saying no to people is never an easy task, and when you add in the factor of work it becomes even more daunting. As important as it is to say no, many of us feel dread when we have to do it. Saying no can be especially difficult because we treat agreement as affection and denial as rejection. When people disagree with us or turn us down, we often incorrectly interpret it as evidence of…

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Is Compassion the Antidote to Anxiety?

October 14, 2019
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Anxiety, the most common mental health struggle in the U.S, can be debilitating and influence all areas of the individual’s life. It can manifest both mentally and physically making individuals feel unsafe and uneasy. Anxiety affects over 25% of children ages 13-18 and over 40 million adults. The increase of technology has also increased mental health struggles throughout the U.S. As stated by James R. Doty, M.D., “chronic engagement of our sympathetic nervous system, depressing our immune…

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How to Communicate with Parents/Families of a Different Culture

October 12, 2019
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Marriage has been around for a very long time, but now interracial marriages are becoming more common than before. People are more open with expanding their horizons and meeting people of different cultures and also starting families with them. In marriage, often times, not only is one person marrying another, the concept of families connecting is also becoming truer. But how do you learn how to communicate with parents and even families of a different culture than…

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What NOT To Do With Someone Struggling with Their Mental Health

October 10, 2019
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Have you ever had a friend or family member open up to you about their mental health? Did you find yourself unsure of what to say or how to respond to them due to your lack of experience or knowledge of mental health? While mental health awareness continues to grow and stigmas continue to be challenged, many people do not know what to say or do when they are faced head-on with someone they care for experiencing…

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Adverse Childhood Experiences: How They Impact You Today

October 7, 2019
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Hannah Hopper We know that what happens to us as children matters. We still feel hurt by experiences we had growing up, and have trouble escaping the mistakes our parents made, whether it’s through repeating the same patterns we saw or because we can’t seem to get away from troubling memories. But is it possible that our negative early life experiences could also have an impact on our health and physical wellbeing today? Adverse Childhood Experiences, or…

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Parenting Strategies to Set Your Child Up for Success

October 2, 2019
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Throughout our upbringing and early adulthood two of our main goals are for happiness and success. These words can mean different things to various individuals and one person’s version of success may not be another’s but overall, these are the two things most individuals work towards throughout their lives. Despite this being a priority for many years, there comes a time in individual’s life where their goals shift. This is typically when a man or woman decide…

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