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What are reasonable expectations for relationships?

April 25, 2014
Symmetry Apr25 A

Expectations are attitudes and behaviors that we expect from other people. We are taught – explicitly and implicitly – that there are standards of behaviors, what we call the norms, when it comes to how we should treat each other. We see it being modeled in our family, and we also see it in school, in our community and the workplace, on TV and other media including the Internet. It’s normal to have expectations for all of…

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Expectations vs. Reality: Staying Connected in the Disconnection

October 21, 2013

We all build our lives around a variety of expectations. Societal pressures, cultural norms, and even family values shape who we think we ought to be and the life we ought to have. We say to ourselves (consciously or unconsciously), “I should be in a relationship by now,” or “I should be able to do this (work, parenting, etc.) better,” and even, “My husband should know what I want even when I do not say something about…

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