A reader of our blog wrote in to ask our advice about a friend who keeps making plans with them and then later canceling. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response. Everyone experiences a friend canceling plans on them from time to time, and it never feels good. In the video, Dr. Malec recommends that you take the time to address this issue with your friend. Whether you set up a time to meet up in…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Social media, text messaging, and email have become staples of interpersonal communication in our culture. More and more people are establishing and maintaining long-distance relationships electronically. Yet corresponding this way can lack intimacy, which weakens our relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. Here are four ways to use electronic communication to feel close even when you’re far apart. 1. Send a Picture Images communicate and elicit a variety of emotions. We…
Read MoreTo quote one of my favorite shows, Game of Thrones, “Winter is coming.” Some people love winter in the Midwest. We get to experience the beautiful snow and celebrate the holiday season. Others, however, dislike winter. We view it as getting colder, we notice that we don’t see the sun as often, and we start to realize just how warm and comfortable our bed truly is. Whether you enjoy the winter or not, you may begin to…
Read MoreAt Symmetry Counseling, we are now accepting reader-submitted questions for our blog! This week, a reader writes in to ask about relationship boredom. If you are feeling bored in your relationship, does that mean you should break up? In the video above, Dr. Anne Malec answers this question. It is typical for us to hear this concern in our practice, so if you are experiencing boredom in your relationship, you aren’t alone. After being with someone for…
Read MoreThe holidays can be highly stressful and anxiety-provoking for many. It often involves multiple potentially stressful elements, including interacting with people whom we may not normally encounter. Working with a therapist can help to prepare for your unique holiday situation, although it is likely some common themes will emerge. Find “the why.” Too often, we lose sight of the purpose of our behavior. Routine is important, yet it is all too easy to fall into the trap…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Chicago As your wedding is quickly approaching, you may begin to experience an unsettling and nervous feeling as you realize you are about to commit yourself to your partner for life. You may have thoughts such as, “What am I getting myself into?”, “What if this doesn’t work out for us?”, or even ask yourself “Am I settling?” If you are feeling uneasy or are having these thoughts, you are…
Read MoreIn this video, Dr. Malec answers a question submitted by one of our readers. This letter writer wonders how to keep their partner engaged in difficult conversations. Watch the video above for Dr. Malec’s response. Approaching Difficult Conversations With Your Partner Invite your partner to the conversation It’s important that your partner gets the time and space they need to consider what they have to say. Don’t spring a difficult conversation on them; talk about it in…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Are you and your partner fighting more lately? Are you both too busy to get a good night sleep? Is one of you getting poor sleep on the couch to not disturb the other? Many people struggle with sleep problems and it has been empirically proven that lack of sleep has a greater impact on our lives and relationships than we imagine. Every couple experiences some sort of relationship conflict,…
Read MoreFor those unfamiliar, the prospect of starting therapy can be daunting. It is often a realm of thought, emotion, and vulnerability that many of us work so diligently to ignore. You may have also have been in therapy before yet struggled to see the results, which can make the prospect of re-engaging somewhat scary. While understandable, there are a few factors which can help make your therapy experience positive and beneficial. Pick a therapist who is right…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Is your partner constantly blaming you for things that go wrong in the relationship? Do they mock you or try to control you? Emotional abuse can creep into any relationship and often leaves the object of abuse with feelings of insecurity, guilt, and a lack of confidence. Emotional abuse is defined as a form of abuse, characterized by a person subjecting, or exposing, another person to behavior that may result…
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