Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Breakups Don’t Have to Be So Bad

August 27, 2018
Breakups Dont Have to Be So Bad 5b43b31fece9f

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Most of us are familiar with the hurt of a heartbreak. When you think of previous breakups, you most likely remember all the negatives associated with it such as the sleepless nights, many tears, disagreements, and pain. While we never assume the relationship we are currently in will come to an end, there are things you can do to make it a much more positive experience for yourself if it…

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Sunday Night Blues

August 25, 2018
Sunday Night Blues 5b43b32c844f0

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling It’s Sunday afternoon and an intense feeling of dread may begin to overwhelm you. This anxiety is often accompanied by racing thoughts of what lies ahead in the work week and all the responsibilities that come with it. Some of these responsibilities include emails, meetings, deadlines, and late nights. Once the anxiety kicks in the rest of your night is then consumed with work-related stress leaving you feeling exhausted on…

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What to Do When Feeling Low

August 23, 2018
What to Do When Feeling Low 5b44c66d42b36

Do you ever feel yourself feeling really low and having low self-esteem often? Have you ever felt unable to connect with people around you due to differences that you might experience? Have you been able to identify why you are feeling that way? Low-self esteem can manifest from many ventures in our lives, including experiences in our childhood, abuse, ill health, negative life events, disturbances in relationships, and of course many other aspects. When we are feeling…

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Navigating Early Sobriety

August 21, 2018
Navigating Early Sobriety 5b44c63566a92

Kaitlin Broderick, M.Ed., LCPC Early sobriety from alcohol and drugs can be a difficult time. When addicts and alcoholics begin to emerge from the dark and erratic experience that led them to hit their bottom, a stretch of clean living can make them feel like they’re floating on a “pink cloud.” This “pink cloud” is described by many to be a temporary phase in which the world seems to shine brighter with joy excitement and love that…

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Mental Health Benefits of Being a Sports Fan and Playing Sports

August 19, 2018
Mental Health Benefits of Being a Sports Fan and Playing Sports 5b44c5b520cae

Are you a sports fan? Do you feel connected to the players when watching sports on television or live? Do you feel happier after watching a game? How do you feel while getting ready to pick up a ball and grab a few friends and head to play some ball? How do you feel after throwing a ball around or hitting some balls? With the NBA Finals just ending, FIFA in progress, baseball in progress, football about…

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Understanding Your Partner’s Love Languages

August 17, 2018
Understanding Your Partners Love Languages 5b44c6060ed0f

Have you felt that you have tried everything possible for your relationship to feel “normal” again? Have you tried time and time again to connect with your partner by doing things for them, attempting to cuddle at night, or trying to spend alone time with them? While your efforts may be meaningful for you, you may be missing the mark, because you may not be speaking your partner’s Love Language. Gary Chapman, author of “The 5 Love…

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7 Ways to Maintain Your Therapeutic Goals

August 15, 2018
7 Ways to Maintain Your Therapeutic Goals 5b44c5384c40d

Yes! You have completed and achieved your goals in therapy. Congratulations on this big milestone in your personal life that should be celebrated! Whether you have been in therapy for a month or a year, you now feel at peace that your goals in therapy are being implemented effectively outside your sessions. What now? This means it’s time to talk to your counselor and express to them you feel it may be time for termination. The termination…

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Managing Your Relationship With Your Roommate

August 13, 2018
Managing Your Relationship With Your Roommate 5b72e41485950

A friend once told me, “I feel like I need couples therapy… but with my roommate.” Although she initially meant it as a joke, my friend felt she was no longer on the same page with how her home should operate, and what she began to describe was her growing resentment for her roommate. She was not sure how to approach her feelings without causing a conflict. I began to recognize these thoughts and feelings are comparable…

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Reducing Negativity at Work

August 12, 2018
BlogBeauty Symmetry ReducingNegativity 5b311857189f3

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When you really think about it, you spend most of your days at work. You are there at least 8 hours per day, five days per week, for most of your adult life. With work being so present in our lives, it becomes clear how much workplace negativity affects our moods on a daily basis. You may notice when you disagree with another colleague, got poor feedback at your review,…

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3 Myths About "Healthy" Relationships

August 10, 2018
BlogBeauty Symmetry 3MythsHealthyRelationships 5b31184d78c46

We are constantly being bombarded with messages about love and relationships in our culture. Whether it’s on TV, the radio, a magazine, or social media, we are always hearing about dating, relationships, and marriage and what is “normal” and “healthy”. It can be difficult to weed through what is not only helpful, but also what is appropriate and relevant for our own lives and relationships. Some input may be helpful for one couple but can be extremely…

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