Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



How to Strengthen Bonds with Your Chosen Family

October 16, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Blood is thicker than water. This familiar proverb might not mean what you think. It may not refer to the strength of genetic family ties but to the power of the bonds we forge with those outside our biological family. Some believe that the phrase “Blood is thicker than water” originated from the saying “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,” which conveys that those who…

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Adulting: The Secret to Success is Becoming Your Own Parent

October 14, 2018
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Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Do you sometimes feel that you need an active parent in your life even though you’re already an adult? The ability to take care of oneself as an adult, commonly called adulting, can be difficult to learn and even harder to achieve consistently. But it is required in order to live independently. You can succeed at adulting by learning to act as your own parent. First, think of yourself as a child.…

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Winter Blues

October 13, 2018
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Unfortunately, summer in Chicago has come and gone (so quickly!)! Now we are feeling the cooler weather and leaves fall, that just means winter is coming, and it will be here longer than we want. Usually people try to escape Chicago winters and go somewhere warm since as we all know, our winters last an eternity. Sometimes with our schedules, we cannot escape Chicago, so in this post I am going to help you identify ways that…

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Does Meditation Really Work? And If It Does, Is It Right for Me?

October 12, 2018
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Many of my clients speak to me about their struggles with anxiety and depression. Not only do we discuss the roots of their anxiety and depression, but we also discuss possible coping skills to help reduce their anxiety and depression. One specific coping skill I ask my clients about is if they have considered meditation or mindfulness techniques. The reason I ask clients about this particular coping skill is because I have read numerous articles that show…

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Quiet Your Inner Critic

October 11, 2018
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“I didn’t try hard enough” “I won’t be able to do that” “I look bad today” Do any of these phrases sound familiar? Unfortunately, most of us are used to hearing this negative self-talk and it can be very detrimental to our general well-being and mental health. Let’s examine negative self-talk and a way to combat it. What is negative self-talk? Often referred to as the “inner critic”, negative self-talk is the tiny voice in your head…

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Getting Yourself Out of a Mental Rut

October 10, 2018
Getting Yourself Out of a Mental Rut 5bb23468a0ea8

We all have moments of being really happy one second, and then really down the next. We like to call that a mental rut. But how do you get yourself out of that? It is not pleasant being in in a state of all joy and then feeling completely different the next moment. When feeling this way, you need to first admit to yourself that you are in a rut and think positively that you will get…

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The Dangers Of Comparing Yourself To Others

October 9, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling If you are constantly finding yourself in the tempting yet dangerous head space of comparing yourself to others, you are not alone. Comparing ourselves to others is a natural way for us to evaluate ourselves and can be used as an opportunity for growth. While it can be used as motivation it is often taken too far and leads individuals down a dangerous rabbit hole of self-doubt and insecurity. With…

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4 Ways To Work The Room With Good Conversation

October 8, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Whether you are at a work event, family gathering, or a cocktail party, we can often feel an intense pressure to be able to work the room. Take a minute to think about what kind of person comes to mind when you think of someone who is great at working the room at events. Most people may think of a person that may be charming, outgoing, extroverted, and a great…

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I’m Stressed Out: How Do I Cope?

October 7, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling While stress is a normal aspect of life, the symptoms of stress can feel unbearable or intolerable. The numerous sleepless nights, racing thoughts, irritability, excessive worry, rapid heart rate, muscle tension, and the inability to concentrate are just a few of the many symptoms of stress that can interfere with your life. While some people can cope well with stress, others need a little more guidance. If you are living…

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Challenging Criticism In Your Relationship

October 6, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Criticism, the first of Dr. John Gottman’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, has been shown to be one of the four highest predictors for divorce along with stonewalling, defensiveness, and contempt. Criticism plays its role in every relationship to some degree; however, there is a point where a significant amount of criticism takes a severe toll on a romantic relationship. In most cases, it starts out pretty minor and escalates…

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