Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



How Can Creating a Plan Keep Socializing from Exhausting Us?

July 11, 2021
How Can Creating a Plan Keep Socializing from Exhausting Us

If you feel like you went from having no social plans to your calendar being booked solid, you’re not alone. It seems people have found themselves with two years’ worth of plans crammed into a couple of months. After over a year of isolation, jumping back into a jammed pack social schedule can feel incredibly overwhelming and draining. There’s no shame in starting slowly and listening to your mind and body when they tell you you’ve had…

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Feeling Anxious About a Post-COVID Life? You’re Not Alone

July 10, 2021

Megan Mulroy, LPC            As vaccines become more readily available, there has definitely been a shift in behaviors and attitudes around COVID-19. Recently, we were cleared to be outside without a mask if you’ve been vaccinated, and bars and restaurants have increased capacity for indoor dining. People are once again able to hug their friends and families, go to small parties, and even travel.  Although these changes are really exciting, they are massive transitions.  I’ve noticed a…

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Cognitive Twitter: What Are You Re-Tweeting?

July 9, 2021
What Are You Re Tweeting

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC This week I had an interesting and super inspiring session with a client of mine that I’ve been working with for the last year and a half. In response to a negatively charged comment about herself, I said “You’re stronger than you think and give yourself credit for.” She said excitedly “RE-TWEET!” in response. From there, that response of hers became the precedent for the rest of the session. What did…

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Can’t Sleep? Let’s Start with Your Phone

July 8, 2021

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC We are glued to our phones.  The average U.S. adult will spend roughly 3 hours per day on their cell phone, which equals about 1,100 hours or 45 days per year! The consequences of nonstop phone use are wide-ranging and not fully understood. In this post, I will review what we know about how phone usage affects sleep and provide some tips on getting better rest.  Sleep is…

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Can We Learn How to Love Better?

July 7, 2021
Can We Learn How to Love Better

Written by Kara Thompson, Licensed Social Worker So here’s the deal… Love is complicated. You may be facing this truth every day in your relationships with your partner, a family member, or maybe even within yourself.  Have you ever paused and reflected on this question: “How did we learn how to love?” For many of us, the first way we learned about love is through the systems we were born into. Those unique experiences often include a…

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What is Self-Care Really?

July 1, 2021

By Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC You have probably heard the term “self-care” at least a million times. It has become a ubiquitous topic of conversation since the beginning of the pandemic. I could write 20 blog posts on it and still only scratch the surface. So, to begin, in this post I am going to define and review examples of what self-care could be. Remember, your self-care routine should be uniquely tailored to…

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What Is The Right Type of Therapy to Address Relationship Issues?

June 26, 2021
What Is The Right Type of Therapy to Address Relationship Issues

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  You’re ready to participate in therapy, but you’re not sure which type of therapy would meet your needs. If your primary therapeutic need is related to your relationships, should you seek individual, couples or family therapy? Should I Choose Individual, Couples, or Family Therapy to Address Relationship Issues? Consider these questions to help you decide: What’s your primary issue?       How my personal issues (thoughts, actions, emotions, traumas, attachment…

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How Does Self Esteem Differ In Gender Roles?

June 22, 2021
How Does Self Esteem Differ in Gender Roles

Melanie Lustbader, LPC As a newborn, babies are either given a blue or pink hat, depending if they’re male or female. As the infant gets older, the females are expected to play with dolls and males are expected to play with trucks or trains. Society gives gender roles and assigns either objects or certain activities to be feminine or masculine. Gender roles are culturally defined as behaviors that are seen as appropriate for males and females including…

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How Do I Find My Sense of Self?

June 21, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC            At some point in your life, you’ve probably been asked the questions, “So tell me a bit about yourself?” What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?” Maybe you’re able to answer those questions without hesitation, however a lot of people struggle with answering these questions due to not knowing who they are as a person.            Some people make it quite far in life without giving their identity too…

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How Can I Talk to Myself the Way I Talk to a Loved One?

June 20, 2021

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Here’s a hard truth: we tend to be more compassionate and empathic toward the people we love and less empathetic and compassion toward ourselves. Imagine that your loved one has lost their beloved dog. They say to you, “I’m devastated. I shouldn’t be feeling this way, she was just a dog. I’m ridiculous and I just need to get over it.” What would you say to them? You might say something…

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