Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Beating the Post-Summer Slump: 9 Ways to Stay Connected

October 7, 2013

Many of us take time off of work during the summer to get away, disconnect from work, and spend time with the ones we love. We often feel more in touch with ourselves and our relationships when we take this time to be together. Once the long summer days fade away, however, it can feel like we enter a slump where the work days take over again, and the time when spend with our partners and loved…

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Ground Rules for Couples in the Digital Age

October 2, 2013

How often are you checking your email, text messages, Twitter or Facebook account on your phone throughout the day? Do you feel disconnected if your phone is not by your side, chirping with every new update? While there is the increased convenience and connectivity our cell phones and computers can bring us, it can also distract us from the personal, face-to-face time with the people we love the most. Nothing can replace the kind of communication you…

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The Good Fight: 10 Tips for Healthy Couple Conflict

September 30, 2013

It might be surprising to know that research suggests that it is not how much you fight that predicts happiness and success in your relationship, but rather it is how you fight that really matters. Indeed, not all fights are created equal. There is conflict that can generate disconnection and destroy good will between you and your partner, but there is also the kind of conflict that moves you closer together and further along in the development…

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6 Ways Holding Back Can Hurt Your Relationship

September 10, 2013

It is not always easy to communicate well with your partner, and it is more complicated than simply an exchange of words. Communicating with your partner is about relating to him or her; it is about two people openly sharing who they are with one another in ways that are not critical or judgmental. It can be difficult, however, to say what you mean or share what you are feeling, especially when you know that what you…

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10 Signs You May Not Be Listening To Your Partner

July 29, 2013

Are you listening? A frequent common denominator among my clients is partners being surprised by the depth of the other’s unhappiness. I often here the following exchange from clients: “Why didn’t you tell me how unhappy you were”? “I did, I told you repeatedly, and also suggested that we go to couples counseling”. A partner’s request to go to couples counseling should be seen and heard as a warning sign, an emergency about the health of the…

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