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cognitive behavioral therapy


What’s Self-Reparenting? (And Do I need it?)

August 18, 2021
Whats Self Reparenting

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Reparenting is a therapeutic intervention that’s often used in trauma treatment. It’s the process of experiencing parenting as an adult as a way to heal the parenting needs that you did not receive as a child. This is usually accomplished by a therapist acting in the role of a parent. Reparenting can also be accomplished outside of the therapeutic relationship by another person acting as your parent. An example would be…

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What Is Substance Use Disorder and How Is It Treated?

August 17, 2021
Substance Use Disorder

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  Substance abuse is not just about using illicit drugs and drinking alcohol excessively. It is the dependence on any substance that alters mood. That is why reliance on substances like marijuana and prescription medication is also part of this disorder. Most known substances that lead to abuse have psychoactive elements which stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). They interfere with both mood and cognition. Examples include alcohol, cocaine, heroin, tobacco, and prescription medications…

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What Is So Impactful About Receiving and Accepting Compliments?

August 16, 2021
What Is So Impactful About Receiving and Accepting Compliments

The nature of compliments and people’s responses to them is interesting and potentially counter intuitive. As humans we crave validation from others and human connection. We want people to like us! Interpersonal connections and social interactions are vital to our well-being. However, despite the desire for external validation from others, whether in our personal lives or at work, we tend to shy away from compliments. When people in our lives compliment us, tell us what they like…

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Is Your Grandparent Depressed? Part I

July 26, 2021

By Megan Mulroy, LPC            While destigmatizing mental health has a long way to go, there have been many improvements in recent years. Most of my millennial and gen z friends have therapists and talk openly about their mental health, but I can’t say the same for my grandparents’ generation. Seniors are such an asset to our society! They have years of knowledge and wisdom and are unburdened by the social media façade that plagues many of…

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I Have A New Mental Health Diagnosis, Now What?

July 25, 2021
I Have A New Mental Health Diagnosis Now What

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW             The topic of diagnostics is a whole world unto itself in mental health. There is so much to unpack in this incredibly complex area. We will dig into the many different pieces of information that are important to consider as well as how best to manage your feelings about this impactful situation.            The first thing I discuss when giving a new diagnosis is that it is important to consider how important this…

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How To Recognize If You Are In An Abusive Relationship

July 24, 2021

By: Olimpia Wesley While most relationships begin with the parties demonstrating their best behavior and viewing each other with rose-colored glasses, some relationships may progress into abusive patterns with time. Abuse is a dynamic concept that could be physical, emotional, sexual, and/or financial, and are forms all harmful to the victim. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline (2021), relationship abuse is a pattern of behavioral conduct by a partner to maintain unfair control and dominance over…

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How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID-19

July 23, 2021
How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID 19

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC  “We all are in this together”. A very popular and true sentiment which can adequately express the fact that not one person in the world wasn’t affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many individuals lost wages and loved ones, battled extreme anxiety and depression, and even cared for the sick. Thankfully, we can safely say that things look like they are returning to a more normal state. Vaccines have been rolled out, mask mandates…

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How to Get Through a Break-Up

July 22, 2021

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC  Growing up, many little girls and little boys fantasize and dream of “the one. They may envision exciting and adventurous dates, romantic moments, an extravagant wedding and the “house full of 3 children along with a picket fence.” Up until teenage years, the hope of this dreams seems so real and imminent. Until that painful event happens: your first break-up. Suddenly, all those dreams no longer seem realistic, but rather a million miles…

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How Do You Parent a Child with ADHD When You Have ADHD?

July 21, 2021
How Do You Parent a Child with ADHD When You Have ADHD

By Devyn C. Longstreet, LPC  It’s not unlikely that an ADHD diagnosis can be generational and shared between adult and child. According to the Neuropsychiatric Disease Treatment Center, Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms are multifactorial and influenced by environment and genetics. (Tartakovsky, 2016). As one would imagine, parenting can become pretty tricky in these types of situations. So what can be done to make things less challenging?  Here are 7 tips on ways that can help maintain…

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How Do I Ask My Boss for a Mental Health Day?

July 19, 2021
How Do I Ask my Boss for a Mental Health Day

If the title of this blog post immediately makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. While mental health struggles are just as real and valid as physical health struggles, the remaining stigma prevents people from being honest in asking for and following through on their mental health needs. However, while Covid-19 has been an incredibly difficult and heartbreaking time period, it has brought more awareness to mental health, mental health needs and mental health acceptance. So, while we…

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