During the coronavirus period of our lives, also known as COVID-19, I feel like people around have become very paranoid (which is valid emotions) but we are forgetting how to stay positive in times of panic. Humans sometimes tend to forget that there are positives in our lives and we focus on the negatives. Lets refocus on positives and reminding ourselves how to. In this post, I will makes sure I work on providing you ways to…
Read MoreI have been feeling very heightened lately with all the COVID-19 stuff happening and I think mainly the fact that people keep talking about it. We are all in the know of what is happening, but it is getting to a point where I do not need to constantly know what is happening or what your thoughts are about it. I have found myself getting slightly more agitated when we all are talking about COVID-19. So how…
Read MoreUnfortunately, right now, people all across the country are experiencing the emotional ups and downs of regulations surrounding being cooped inside of our homes. In my work with clients, I’ve found that this turmoil can look like several different emotions: depression, helplessness, anger, frustration, anxiety, nervous energy, hopelessness, fear of the future. If you take away nothing else from this article, please hear me that: each of these emotions are valid and deserve space in this time…
Read MoreIt’s no secret we’re in the midst of a confusing and uncertain time. This is uncharted territory for all of us making it hard to know who to look to for answers. The unfortunate reality is that no matter who you are, whether a government official, celebrity, or “normal” member of society, we’re all coping with the uncertainty and anxiety brought about by the presence of COVID-19. As the world comes to a stop around us and…
Read MoreIn the present day, the entire world is practicing social distancing. Many people are being instructed to shelter in place. Unfortunately, this means our face-to-face human interaction is being significantly limited and potentially eliminated completely. It’s important to understand that social distancing does not mean social isolation. While we can’t meet up with a friend for a drink or go to our family’s house for dinner, it’s vital to maintain contact with friends and loved ones. In…
Read MoreSteven Losardo, AMFT In clinical practice, many behavioral tools assist with decreasing worry. Tools such as mindfulness, gratefulness logs, thought logs, prayer, and meditation all can be effective. Their efficacy is proven in many research studies. Several use an fMRI, and the data suggests that we can re-train our minds with these tools and others to build our emotional intelligence (EI) (Fishbane, 2013). Because the change to EI entails rewiring the brain, it requires much repetition and…
Read MoreAs human beings, we will all experience life transitions, traumas, and crisis. This is what life is about – as a collective we all experience hardships and tragedy, in which we can collectively relate to. These difficult life moments shake up our entire world – on the individual level, and on a systemic level; meaning, once we are affected by hardship on our own individual level, it has a ripple affect in other areas of our life,…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback, LCSW There are many things we need to be more attuned to in these difficult times that we face right now. A key piece of this self-care that keeps coming to mind is the importance of the ability to embrace imperfection. The better we are able to get comfortable with the unknown and by extension, imperfection, the better we will be able to get through these difficult times in a healthier way. I am about…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback, LCSW There are times in our lives in which the sad, frustrating, hurtful, and disturbing seems to increase around us. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy, positive attitude when this happens. It is important to have a good balance of self-care and staying attuned to some of these difficult issues because it is important to stay informed and prepare. Below are a few tips for how to maintain this balance and stay hopeful…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback, LCSW Much of the world is shutting down around us to manage the difficult public health issue we have been experiencing. Many of us all around the world are experiencing massive shifts in how we are going about our daily lives in many large and small ways. One key piece of curbing the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is something we have all become quite acutely aware of, Social Distancing. Below are a few key tips…
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