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Therapy Chicago Archives


What Is Codependency?

May 25, 2022

Part I: Control, Caretaking & Self Abandonment Meg Mulroy, LPC  Codependency has become somewhat of a buzz amongst my peers. Used casually, I’ve heard people say, “She can’t do anything without him — they are so codependent,” or, “Those roommates are completely codependent — they are attached at the hip!” One of my professional and personal pet peeves is the misuse of this word. Codependency has been defined in many different ways, but according to Melody Beattle,…

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Relationships: How Do I Make Meaningful Connections?

May 13, 2022

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC If you’re my client, then you have heard me talk extensively about the body and mind being exquisitely interconnected and in constant dialogue with one another. That makes sense, right? Well, surprisingly we tend to overlook this important fact. To be able to find our way back to ourselves and each other, we must understand how our emotions shape our thoughts and decisions. If we don’t do this, we become “disembodied”…

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People Pleasers: Are You Too Agreeable?

May 13, 2022

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Are you attached to being a people pleaser and avoiding conflict to keep the peace and harmony? Sometimes the constant need for harmony can cause more harm than good. Many people believe that “agreeableness is a reliable asset at all times.” Some of this can be due to biology, while other times it is related to personality traits. Culture and upbringing play a role here. People often related disagreeableness to “loneliness…

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Understanding Mom (or Dad) Guilt and How to Overcome It

May 12, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC  Do you ever find yourself looking at how other parents are raising their children and feel like a lesser mom? This all-too-common phenomenon is often referred to as mom guilt. It is the feeling that you are not doing enough or somehow falling short when it comes to your children. Mom’s guilt can be brought on by external sources including social media, TV, and even critical friends or family as well as…

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How to Navigate Disappointment

May 11, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC Everyone at least once in their lifetime will face disappointment from their family or friends. Although it is a common human emotion, avoiding disappointment can be impossible at times. The latter can even negatively affect one’s life and lead to mental distress. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to accept disappointment in order to minimize its potential emotional consequences. This article will share the top three techniques to help you navigate disappointment.…

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Do ADHD Symptoms Vary With Gender?

May 10, 2022

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, MA, NCC, LPC Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychological disorders. This condition is highly recognizable in childhood but may also be diagnosed in adulthood. ADHD is also linked with other personality traits such as perfectionism and obsession. But the main question remains: Do the symptoms of ADHD vary with Gender? This article will share the different symptoms of ADHD concerning males and females. What Is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity…

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How Does Freezing My Eggs Affect My Mental Health?

April 29, 2022

Megan Mulroy, LPC  Making the choice to freeze your eggs can be an empowering and life-changing decision for many folks assigned female at birth. Many AFAB people know they want children one day but aren’t ready for that commitment. On the other hand, many AFAB people are undecided if they want to be a parent, but don’t want that choice taken away from them before it’s too late. Unfortunately, freezing your eggs is expensive and often inaccessible,…

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How Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 3

April 28, 2022

By: Zana Van Der Smissen Hello, and welcome back to how you can use DBT skills to get what you want, part three! If you haven’t read the first two blogs of this series, feel free to go back and read those first, where I discuss interpersonal skills as a DBT module, how DEAR MAN can be effective in helping you get what you want and how GIVE helps us maintain relationships.  In part three, we will…

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How Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 2

April 27, 2022

By: Zana Van Der Smissen Hello, and welcome back to how you can use DBT skills to get what you want, part two! If you haven’t read my first blog in this series, feel free to go back. I talk all about interpersonal skills as a DBT module and how DEAR MAN can be effective in helping you get what you want. In part two, we will be talking about the next acronym, GIVE, and how it…

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How Can You Use DBT Skills To Get What You Want? Pt. 1

April 26, 2022

By: Zana Van Der Smissen Interpersonal skills are something that every person needs in order to communicate effectively in their relationships and, therefore, is also something that can be improved upon. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT has a set of modules that allows the individual to work on reacting to their environment, regulating their emotions, improving their relationships as well as being more mindful/present in their life.  Today, in this blog, I will be covering DBT skills…

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