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Marriage Counseling Chicago Archives


Dating While Evaluating?

March 30, 2019
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Steven Losardo In a recent blog, I reviewed how research continues to confirm that emerging adults are positioning marriage later in life while shifting their focus to college, higher education, and their careers (Fincham & Cui (2010). Additionally, there is diminishing support from social institutions and norms to get married. Meanwhile, more recent data from Hawkins and Clyde (2018) also shows that marriage is still viewed as the pinnacle of adulthood. As a result, the number of…

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4 Premarital Counseling Myths and Opportunities

March 28, 2019
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Steven Losardo Suppose you have been in a committed relationship for the past two years. While there are no serious issues and you aspire to be married, there is some doubt. This tension leads to a Google search revealing potential relational problems such as student loans, infidelity, lack of commitment, money, social media, mismatched libido, porn, and stress. You posit that your student loan payoff is an issue and you take some small steps. One is selling…

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Signs That It’s Time for Couple Therapy

March 27, 2019
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It’s common for couples to come in to therapy together once they’ve reached a breaking point in their relationship. As they progress in their therapy, many will say at some point that they wish they would have come in sooner. The longer you wait to get help for your relationship difficulties, the more time unhealthy dynamics have to become entrenched in your day-to-day lives, and the longer it may take to work through your difficulties in therapy.…

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5 Pillars of a Healthy Relationship

March 23, 2019
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor We often focus on the problems relationships present and can lose sight of what we are working towards. While many of us can identify conflict, blame, resentment, jealousy, and anger as components of an unhealthy relationship, can you also define a healthy one? People struggle with some of these “ugly” parts of a relationship, but at the end of the day we are all fighting for the healthy and loving relationship we…

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Relationship Disconnect: Simple Steps for Reconnecting with your Partner

March 19, 2019
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Relationships ebb and flow over time, and so do feelings of connectedness with your partner. If you have ever been in a relationship or currently are in one, you may notice shifts in how connected you feel to your partner at any given time. Feeling connected in your relationship can look different for you than it does for your partner. It is important and healthy to have an open line of communication with your partner on what…

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Stonewall Stonewalling

March 12, 2019
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Conflict, disagreement, and confrontation are things every couple experience at some point in their relationship. While it is a healthy and normal phenomenon, fighting can also include unhealthy behaviors and communication patterns. In these situations, one partner may become very activated and begin to yell while the other starts to shut their partner out by walking away, playing on their phone, or not speaking to their partner. This shutting out…

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Exploring your Relationship Sound House

March 5, 2019
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An intimate relationship with a partner can be fulfilling and rewarding, yet challenging at the same time. If you have ever been in a relationship with another person, you know that there are inevitable struggles that will transpire along the way. How these struggles are managed and processed within the relationship is one of the markers for how successful and lasting the relationship will be. Sometimes, when struggles occur for a couple, the issues at hand are…

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Real Ways to Enhance Your Sex Life

March 1, 2019
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Despite what you see on TV or read online, real skill in the bedroom doesn’t come from wearing sexy lingerie or memorizing sex positions. Having a satisfying sex life comes from a true understanding of your sexual needs and those of the people you have sex with and knowing how to openly communicate those needs. Move into a deeper understanding of your sexual well-being by exploring these areas of your sex life: Figure out what your brakes…

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Maintaining Connection with Different Schedules

February 5, 2019
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You may have a special connection with a person. You enjoy each other’s company, get along very well, and you challenge each other. While when you are together it seems like everything is going right in the relationship, you have different schedules that impact your connection, and you begin to question the relationship. If this seems like your relationship, you are not alone! When partners have different schedules, it can often impact the how often they see…

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Blind To Red Flags

February 3, 2019
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling As we enter into a new relationship, we tend to find ourselves under a spell called infatuation. Your significant other appears to be perfect, says and does all the “right” things, you can’t get enough of each other, and you feel head over heels in love. While this phase of love can often be the most exciting and memorable part of a relationship, the red flags may begin to appear.…

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