Marriage Counseling Chicago Archives
Amanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner You’re ready to participate in counseling, but you’re not sure which type of counseling would best meet your needs. When you’re experiencing both individual and relationship issues, it’s difficult to know whether to choose individual or couples counseling. Consider the following points when making your decision. Individual Counseling You may benefit from individual counseling if: You want to participate in counseling, but your partner does not. You need to be your counselor’s…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We have all heard that happy and successful relationships take work, but often the daily distractions and demands of life get in the way of nurturing our relationships. While date nights are extremely frequent in the early stages of a relationship, they tend to significantly decline over time. Many couples think of date night as a luxury, but it is actually an essential component to maintaining a healthy relationship. A…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We all respond to conflict differently, but it is common for small, petty disagreements to escalate into a nasty fight. You or your partner may begin to yell, say things you don’t mean, call each other names, get angry or aggressive, or bring up old wounds just to hurt the other person. It is easy to get pushed too far during disagreements sometimes, but it is important to recognize when…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Saying “I’m sorry” when we have hurt our partner is often extremely difficult and can feel like a sign of weakness, a confirmation of guilt, or can even wound our pride. However, recent studies have found that apologizing and asking for forgiveness are crucial components to a successful relationship and marriage. According to Fincham, Hall, and Beach (2006), apologizing to your partner will validate their feelings, foster forgiveness, and allow…
Read MoreAs Valentine’s Day approaches, it can be stressful for people with and without significant others to share it with. The culture we live in today promotes the idea that you have to have a significant other on Valentine’s Day to be happy. What about the individuals who do not have a significant other to share it with? It’s simply Single Awareness Day, which is not something some individuals want to be reminded of. What can you do…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Sometimes it is easy to jump to negative conclusions. Thoughts or statements such as, “He didn’t call me after our date, so clearly he is not interested”, “She was quiet at dinner, therefore she is obviously mad at me”, and “He knows I hate it when he gets drinks after work” are all examples of assumptions that people make every day in their relationships. However, making assumptions about those you…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling In the age of technology and social media, it is extremely easy to check up on your partner to see who they are texting, whose photos they are “liking” on Instagram, or what they are looking at online. These behaviors are easy to turn to when you are having a hard time trusting your partner or are feeling insecure in your relationship. You may see their phone sitting on the…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling There are many married couples that think their marriage can withstand anything, but can it withstand a sexless marriage? A sexless marriage is defined as a marital union in which little to no sexual activity occurs between the two partners (fewer than 10 times per year) and Newsweek magazine estimates that around 15-20% of couples fall in this category. While there tends to be a sexual drop off within the…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner, Symmetry Counseling Chicago Financial abuse is often a well-kept secret. Lately, more people have been speaking up and speaking out against physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in intimate relationships, yet financial abuse is rarely mentioned. Nevertheless, it does happen. When couples decide to marry or cohabitate, many choose to combine their finances. This creates the possibility that one partner could experience financial abuse. How can you tell if you are experiencing financial…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, Symmetry Counseling Chicago Have you ever said the right words, only to be completely misunderstood? The reason might be your nonverbal communication. Here is an example: You tell your partner, “I’m really sorry. My actions have caused you to feel hurt, disappointed, angry, and betrayed. I truly understand now, and I feel horrible.” Your words communicate self-accountability and empathy for your partner. These words could be the start of a productive conversation. But what…
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