Family Therapy Chicago Archives
Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Teaching children active listening skills is vital. These skills can help children improve their social skills and relationships. Here are a few games that you can use to teach active listening skills to a child in your life. Disclaimer All children struggle to listen; it’s a fact. Poor listening is a component of healthy child development. Children often interrupt, struggle to remain still, forget, and get easily distracted. Sometimes, adults unknowing…
Read MoreBy Eve Brownstone, LCPC When people ask me, “what’s like to be a twin?”, I usually say it’s like being born with a best friend. As an identical twin and years of working with twins, I’ve learned a few things. Twins may attach and bond first with their twin before their parents. We are born in a relationship. Our twinship sets the bar for future relationships. We will look at how this plays out. 1 in 90…
Read MoreSteven Losardo, Marriage and Family Therapist In a variety of ways, the impact of COVID-19 has been devastating to many people. Most of us are in a season of transition while waiting to get back to some kind of “normal.” The postponement of life as we know it has been a difficult adjustment. While we cannot control when COVID-19 stay-at-home ends, we can prepare to be successful when the day arrives. Most of us have been in…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified If you want to improve your relationships, it might be helpful to identify your style of attachment. Your attachment style usually manifests in childhood and impacts your attachment patterns as an adult. The four types of attachment styles are secure, avoidant, anxious, and disorganized. Do you know which style of attachment is yours? In order to identify your style, you should look for patterns of how you function and feel in…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified An “attachment figure” is just what it sounds like: a figure to whom you attach. It was once thought that your main attachment figures were your parents. But the more we learn about attachment, the more we realize that people don’t just attach to their parents but attach to a variety of different figures in their lives. In fact, some people do not attach to their biological parents at all. Why?…
Read MoreIt’s no secret we’ve entered a completely new era in terms of technology. Twenty years ago, there were no iPhones, there was dial up internet and the only social media site was Myspace. In 2020, family and relationship dynamics are very different due to the development of new technology and therefore new communication patterns. How often do we go out to dinner and spend at least part of the meal on our phones? If you were to…
Read MoreDanielle Bertini, LPC Family conflicts can often hit a spot that other conflicts cannot. They can cause us the most pain, suffering, and distress. Whether its another yelling match with your teenage child, disagreement with your spouse, or longstanding drama with your mother, conflicts that hit close to home are often the most challenging to face because it’s so easy to be held hostage by your own emotions. Dr. Aldo Civico proposes this question: How then, can…
Read MoreThere is extensive research out there stating the benefits and importance of reading to and with your young children. Now, research is even indicating the impact of reading to your infants, way before they can see, hear, or comprehend images and words. We know how beneficial it is to read with our kids, but now we need to understand the benefits our reading to infants and the profound positive impact it has on their development. Reading to…
Read MoreWe all have been in the position as a child and your parents just do not understand you. No matter how open and honest you are trying to be, they just have a hard time understanding who you are and what you want. How do you manage being able to get heard and being able to manage conflict that might arise. Continue reading to gain some tips to better manage conflict with your parents or even as…
Read MoreParental conflict in the home can be very taxing on children. For any child that has two parents/caregivers in the home, their only wish is that they get along and that there be no arguing or conflict between them. Of course, being a parent while also sustaining a partnership is no easy feat. It’s normal to become overwhelmed in life and have relational issues with your partner while managing a household and kids. If you have children…
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