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Five questions to consider if your ex is living rent-free in your mind Despite the fact that there is no official timeline when it comes to moving on from an ex, it is less than ideal when we can’t seem to shake the memory of this person. Thinking about a past partner or the relationship itself is expected and healthy, but can be exhausting when those memories or thoughts seem to be increasingly prevalent. To address this…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if your coping strategies are helping you grow or if they’re doing more harm long-term? Sometimes, despite immediate gratification or relief, our choices for coping are actually causing more of a negative outcome in our lives. We call these: Maladaptive Behaviors. Maladaptive behaviors can start due to a major life change, illness, stress, anxiety, or traumatic event. Our daily lives can bring a lot of happiness and success, but there can also be…
Read MoreAs I reflect on my experience with grief after losing my mother suddenly in August 2021, my thoughts were: was she in pain; did I help her to feel comfortable; was she aware of my presence. Grief and mourning are natural parts of healing after the loss of a loved one or friend. While grief and mourning relate to each other, they can each have a distinct impact. Grief and mourning are common terms to describe feelings…
Read MoreAndromeda Peters, LICSW The warmer months come with longer days, often accompanied by changes in our emotions after emerging from the winter blues, as well as a change in our energy levels. Rather than taking a step back to relax and slow down, we may feel compelled to pack more onto our schedules. We may plan more travel, spend more time with friends and loved ones, and have busier weekends, causing us to exert more energy. With…
Read MoreAndromeda Peters, LICSW Mental health is becoming more widely accepted on a global level. Cultures that have once deemed therapy as taboo are becoming more open to professional help. With that, therapy has become a space where one can simultaneously receive validation of their emotional experiences and a framework for shifting one’s thoughts to a healthier mindset. However, how do we know if we are leaning towards toxic positivity or just shifting to a healthier way of…
Read MoreAndromeda Peters, LICSW As we are approaching the warmer months, going into summer, mental health professionals note an increase in dopamine levels. We are able to spend more time outdoors, feel the nurturing energy of the sun, and even experience more physical activity. However, the warmer months are also accompanied by more emphasis on our physical bodies. Both the general media and social media have hindered the way we view our bodies in a society with a…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC There are many benefits of gratitude. In fact, studies indicate that gratitude improves your psychological functioning, physical health, relationships, and career (for more information on this, read my previous blog, What are the Benefits of Gratitude?). Yet, gratitude is not always beneficial. Gratitude, like most practices, can have a positive or negative impact on your wellbeing. In certain circumstances, gratitude can indeed have a negative impact on your mental health. Gratitude can minimize…
Read MoreAmanda Ann Gregory, LCPC Gratitude has gone viral. It’s easy to find books, journals, podcasts, and social media posts about gratitude. There is a reason for this popularity, as gratitude may have a positive impact upon your mental health as gratitude benefits your relationships, physical health, and career. Gratitude could strengthen your relationships Your relationships can have a strong positive impact on your mental health, and practicing gratitude can strengthen those relationships. Also, Fredrickson, & Gable (2103)…
Read MoreMeg Mulroy, LPC As we usher in the new year with a highly contagious new strain of COVID, it’s hard not to think about how the pandemic has affected us all. In the past two years, our daily lives have drastically changed and we as a nation have witnessed numerous traumatic events and have had front row seats to death, loss, and grief. People have not just lost loved ones, but also jobs, routines, and much-anticipated plans,…
Read MoreBy Valarie A. Williams-Siler, Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist We are entering a new year and many of us are looking to determine what our next steps will be. Have you found yourself dreaming of starting a business, returning back to school, or perhaps entering marriage or a new relationship? The Webster dictionary defines dreams as “a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal; a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep”.…
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