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Preparing for Setbacks or Failures

May 4, 2016

Although it would be ideal to always be moving forward, succeeding, reaching our goals, or improving, setbacks will and do occur. It is naïve to think that you will never have a setback, problem, or failure in your life. The key is how we react to them and overcome them that will ultimately determine if we will continue to be successful and move forward or if we will give up and quit. Setbacks and failures can happen…

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You Don’t Need Therapy, But You May Need Help to Understand or Deal with Someone Who Does

April 25, 2016

“I can’t deal with my parents, I just don’t know how to talk to them, all we do is fight.” “I found out my girlfriend is using drugs and I want to help her.” “My son is not motivated or interested in anything, I don’t know what to do.” “My partner is spending way too much money and it is really stressing me out.” “My family is crazy, I just can’t deal with them anymore.” “My best…

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Four Tips for Managing Technology Interference in Your Relationship

April 21, 2016

Technology is everywhere. From cellphones to tablets to computers and television, it is inevitable that technology somehow interferes with your intimate relationship. This is because, like your need for quality time or your preference for an organized household, you and your partner will differ on your preferences for technology use and what qualifies as improper interference. The influence of technology is not going away, so it is important that you find a way to make it an…

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Self-Worth vs. Net-Worth, They’re Not the Same Thing

April 19, 2016

Per Wikipedia, “In sociology and psychology, self-esteem reflects a person’s overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth” and per, self-worth is defined as “the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect.” In contrast, one’s net-worth is measured by the combination of what one owns, their assets, and what one owes, their liabilities. A person’s net-worth is a snap-shot picture of their current financial situation and overall monetary value.…

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5 Friendly Reminders for How to Foster Healthy Communication

April 14, 2016

Healthy communication is one of the most important qualities of a satisfying relationship. It can be difficult to break down the pieces and determine what healthy communication means. Much of it is subjective, but there are general rules you can follow to keep your communication open and to help it serve as a strength of your relationship. Most communication problems do not develop overnight and constitute a gradual decline in effort, attention, and empathy. Give your communication…

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Spring Cleaning: Taking a Closer Look at Your Division of Labor

April 7, 2016

An important discussion you should have to help keep the peace in your relationship concerns your division of labor. Household chores are something we all have to deal with, and partners often enter the relationship with different expectations for who is responsible for what and how often a certain task needs to be completed to feel comfortable in your home. Follow these simple steps to take an active role in securing a division of labor that fits…

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The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), Stop the Madness!

April 5, 2016

How often do you check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.? Do you find yourself comparing your lives to others’ social media posts or pictures and feeling down? Are you afraid that someone is doing something better than you are, having fun without you, or you are constantly missing out on something? Do you think “man, they have such a better life/make more money/have nicer stuff than me?” Do you attend events you don’t want to, spend money you…

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Just Do It: Five Tips for Improving Your Sex Life

March 31, 2016

In our culture, there is a lot of pressure put on us to have good sex and not a lot of room to talk about if our sex life is suffering. Whether you are unhappy with the frequency or the quality of your sex life, you may not know how to talk about it with your partner or be unwilling to try because you are embarrassed, worried about hurting your partner’s feelings, or simply because you doubt…

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“Get Over It”: What Not to Say to an Anxious Person

March 28, 2016

When faced with a problem, we naturally desire to solve it. When that problem is a person we love suffering with anxiety, the quick-fix instinct can end up causing more damage and leave the anxious person feeling distant and misunderstood. Although often very well-intentioned, many people end up telling things to anxious individuals that are unhelpful or may even increase their anxiety. To keep yourself from hurting your anxious partner, you need to increase your understanding of…

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Do You Practice Financial Intelligence?

March 28, 2016

By: Anne Brennan Malec, PsyD, LMFT Many of us may be familiar with the term emotional intelligence, but fewer may be so with the idea of financial intelligence. Financial intelligence is the practice of managing finances and spending in a way that is in keeping with a budget and one’s financial goals. Financial intelligence is also the ability to recognize financial behaviors and decisions, both positive and negative, and understand the impact or consequences of them. That…

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