Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



How Can I Create a Healthy Work Environment to Return to Post Pandemic?

August 28, 2021

As many of us begin to return back to the office part-time, a question I’ve been asked many times by clients is how they can create the healthiest work environment for themselves. I believe many individuals have used this time during the pandemic to assess and focus on their mental health and are now realizing the impact their work environment has on their overall well-being. So much progress has been made this past year in highlighting areas…

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Languishing: Have You Been Feeling Blah?

July 28, 2021

By: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC Have you ever heard of languishing? Perhaps it’s the dominant emotion of 2021 and you’re not alone in what you are feeling – according to the New York Times, “we all have a lot of symptoms in common right now.” Have you had trouble focusing or noticed that there have been things you aren’t looking forward to in 2021, even though vaccines have been attainable and on the horizon? What is…

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How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID-19

July 23, 2021
How to Prepare For the Return to The Office After COVID 19

Mary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC  “We all are in this together”. A very popular and true sentiment which can adequately express the fact that not one person in the world wasn’t affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many individuals lost wages and loved ones, battled extreme anxiety and depression, and even cared for the sick. Thankfully, we can safely say that things look like they are returning to a more normal state. Vaccines have been rolled out, mask mandates…

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How Can We Build Resiliency In a Crisis?

July 18, 2021

As mental health becomes a more widely discussed topic, so does the terminology that surrounds mental health struggles. Certain words or phrases such as “self-care” or “resilience” have become click-bait without the actual understanding of what they mean. In this blog post, I’ll discuss resiliency, what it is, why it’s important and how we can build more of it within ourselves.   “Resilience is the capacity of a person, community, family or economy to adapt successfully to challenge.”…

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How Can I Cope with Post-Covid Social Anxiety? Part 2

July 13, 2021
How Can I Cope with Post Covid Social Anxiety Part 2

In part 1 of this blog post we discussed what social anxiety is, why it may be happening and whether or not we may be experiencing it. As a refresher, social anxiety is when anxious feelings are present as a result of interacting with others. The presence of social anxiety has grown due to spending 12+ months barely speaking to or interacting with anyone, leading to the thought of socializing becoming incredibly daunting and overwhelming for many…

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How Can I Cope with Post-Covid Social Anxiety? Part 1

July 12, 2021

As more people receive the Covid-19 vaccine and begin to feel safer reconnecting with friends and family, I’ve found many clients remain apprehensive about reaching out or scheduling plans. While much of this is likely related to the mindset, we’ve developed over the past year of what it means to keep ourselves and others safe, a new hurdle seems to have developed. Regardless of having struggled with a mental health disorder in the past or not, many…

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How Can Creating a Plan Keep Socializing from Exhausting Us?

July 11, 2021
How Can Creating a Plan Keep Socializing from Exhausting Us

If you feel like you went from having no social plans to your calendar being booked solid, you’re not alone. It seems people have found themselves with two years’ worth of plans crammed into a couple of months. After over a year of isolation, jumping back into a jammed pack social schedule can feel incredibly overwhelming and draining. There’s no shame in starting slowly and listening to your mind and body when they tell you you’ve had…

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What is Rumination and Why Do I Ruminate?

June 14, 2021

By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC Negative rumination is when we chew over and obsess about negative thoughts. When we ruminate, we tend to focus on what we perceive to be the causes, consequences, and symptoms of our distress, rather than solutions to alleviate it. Those who ruminate are more prone to anxiety, stress, and depression. In this post, I am going to review some reasons for why we ruminate. In future posts, I…

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How Can Boredom Be Beneficial?

April 3, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC I think we can all say a collective experience the world has shared this year (among other things) is that we are BORED. With the pandemic still around and most activities continuing to be shut down, there truly is not much to do to occupy our time. And here’s the thing—boredom is generally viewed as an unpleasant emotional state. When you feel bored and fatigued, 10 minutes can feel like an eternity. Because…

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How Can a Dog Help with Ongoing Pandemic Anxiety?

April 2, 2021

At this point in the pandemic, I think we’ve all heard the term “Covid puppy” or even got a Covid puppy ourselves! If you didn’t take the plunge to get a dog during the pandemic, maybe you have a dog or puppy at home with you that you got prior. I, myself, fully gave into the craze and got myself a Covid puppy. She’s a 20 lb., black, mini goldendoodle named Willow and I could not be…

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