Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Our attachment style is something we carry with us throughout our upbringing and into our adult romantic relationships. Attachment is defined as the strong, intimate, and emotional bond typically formed between an infant and its caregiver in the early years of life. Attachment affects everything from selecting your partner, to how you behave in relationships, to how you leave them. According to Mary Ainsworth and other recent researchers, there are…
Read MoreWe live in a society where depression is slowly becoming more talked about in general, and an area which has specifically seen improvement is among postpartum mothers. However, rarely does society consider depression among the fathers. A recent New York Post article titled, “Dads are just as likely as moms to become depressed: study,” explored both the reasons behind fathers who experience depression and possible solutions. They stated that in depression screenings done during 9,500 visits to…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling When you think of “self-care” you most likely think of working out and eating healthy. While physical self-care is crucial, the other five forms of self-care are just as important in achieving the level of happiness and balance you deserve. A lot of people burn themselves out from all the stress in their daily lives or simply just put themselves last on their priority list. Unfortunately, it isn’t until they…
Read MoreWe often go through moments of high motivation and then some moments of low motivation. It is always frustrating for ourselves when we are unable to motivate ourselves to do anything, even sometimes the smallest things such as laundry, packing, dishes, showering, going to work, working out, and many other activities. I often see people out running early in the morning, or eating healthy, or doing whatever they need to get done, and I always wonder (and…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Moving in together is a big step many adults take in their lives. While there are a lot of perks that come along with moving in with your significant other such as saving money, spending more time together, or getting a nicer place, it is not a step that should be taken lightly. Today’s literature shows that while some couples can grow from living together other relationships don’t make it.…
Read MoreKaitlin Broderick, M.Ed, LCPC We live in a very connected age. We text, tweet, Facebook, Skype, and Snapchat. More than ever, before we can instantly check in on an old friend, see how a long-distance family member is doing or find out what our ex is up to. Most of the information we receive is sent to a phone that we disregard and upgrade every couple of years. We can do more, learn more, and reach further…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner Work environments can be stressful, exhausting, and depressing—and that’s a problem. Supporting your mental health at work is not optional; it’s required. Mental health issues can lead to decreased productivity, conflicts with coworkers, low job satisfaction, and even an inability to keep your job. If you dread going to work, here are four things you can do to promote your mental health in the workplace: 1) Protect yourself from negativity. A frequent…
Read MoreHave you ever felt depressed or anxious and asked yourself, “Why do I feel like this? This is uncomfortable. I don’t like this feeling, and I want to make it go away right now.” While many people do not enjoy the feeling of not being okay, it is important to reflect on the relevance it has on your mind and body. While society has been a little slow in keeping up with the importance of self-care and…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling It’s Sunday afternoon and an intense feeling of dread may begin to overwhelm you. This anxiety is often accompanied by racing thoughts of what lies ahead in the work week and all the responsibilities that come with it. Some of these responsibilities include emails, meetings, deadlines, and late nights. Once the anxiety kicks in the rest of your night is then consumed with work-related stress leaving you feeling exhausted on…
Read MoreDo you ever feel yourself feeling really low and having low self-esteem often? Have you ever felt unable to connect with people around you due to differences that you might experience? Have you been able to identify why you are feeling that way? Low-self esteem can manifest from many ventures in our lives, including experiences in our childhood, abuse, ill health, negative life events, disturbances in relationships, and of course many other aspects. When we are feeling…
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