Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Building Trust in Your Relationship

September 27, 2018
Building Trust in Your Relationship 5b8586c8f1779

As a couple and family therapist, a common issue I experience is trust. I have heard about trust issues in couples that have only been together for a couple of months, and couples who have been together for several years. The issue of trust can range from not trusting your partner’s response to your hard day of work, to breaches of trust with infidelity. Although building trust may seem like a daunting task, it is definitely possible…

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5 Common Relationship Challenges and How to Overcome Them

September 25, 2018
5 Common Relationship Challenges and How to Overcome Them 5b8586c20548a

No relationship is perfect, and that is okay! While every couple is completely unique in their own relationships, I find that there are some overlapping relationship challenges and themes I notice when working with couples. Every challenging part of a couple’s relationship can be a learning opportunity and an authentic way to bring them closer together. The first step is simply to acknowledge that there are going to be challenges in any relationship. It would be quite…

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Coping With Anxiety At Work

September 24, 2018
Coping With Anxiety at Work 5b8586cad3654

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Have you ever been sitting at your desk at work and felt overwhelming anxiety? It can often feel like you can’t escape the racing thoughts and excessive worry as you are stuck trying to complete your work. You may feel like you can’t just get up and leave to go for a walk or get some air, so what can you do? Anxiety can be debilitating in all areas of…

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Practicing Patience With Your Partner

September 23, 2018
Practicing Patience With Your Partner 5b8586ce00905

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Think about that one couple you look up to the most. That couple that makes you think, “I want a relationship like that.” What qualities do they have that you admire? These qualities are most likely their bond, loyalty, commitment to each other, and the patience they have for one another. Patience is a crucial component to a happy and healthy relationship and is defined as the ability to tolerate…

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Setting Realistic Expectations In Your Relationship

September 21, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling We all enter into romantic relationships with expectations. Expectations that we are going to be cared for, adored, loved, fulfilled, or even hurt or betrayed. Based on our life experiences and relationship ideals, these expectations can vary greatly. If your expectations for your partner fall into the realm of too high or too low, it can be damaging to your relationship. For example, if you expect your partner to complete…

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Technology Addiction 101

September 19, 2018
BlogBeauty TechnologyAddiction 5b8e93052d1ee

In today’s society and the world, we are always “plugged in” and have a difficult time disconnecting. When walking down the street, most people have their phone in their hands or earphones in listening to music or a podcast or even talking to someone. We live in a world now where it is so easy to reach someone, and we do not even have to call them; we can just text them. It is hard to recognize…

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How to Choose the Right Counselor

September 17, 2018
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Being able to find the right counselor for anyone can be really difficult. It is just like finding a doctor or dentist that you like, but with your therapist, you have to feel comfortable with them due to the amount of information you will be divulging to them. It is difficult to open up to anyone and even more to a stranger. Feeling comfortable in having the right therapist is key. In this blog post, I will…

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What Does Being in Love Mean To You? Could It Be Infatuation?

September 15, 2018
Being In Love Infatuation 5b7314e7eecab

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling What’s your definition of being in love? For you, it may be the constant thoughts of your significant other combined with your heart racing when you see them. For others, love may mean they can’t stop smiling, see someone as “perfect”, or want to be with them every second. The feeling of love is not entirely universal and often gets mixed up with the feeling of being infatuated. Therefore, my…

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8 Simple Steps for Choosing the Right Therapist in Chicago

September 14, 2018
BB 8 Simple Steps for Choosing the Right Therapist in Chicago 5b64b4f85f49e

When feeling depressed, anxious, or struggling with your personal relationships, it can be very tricky to pick yourself up and to start to feel better. One way to move toward that goal of feeling better is initiating therapy. If you’ve made the decision to start feeling better, congratulations! You are one step closer to feeling better! Initiating this big step in your life can be stressful as is, but picking the right counselor can also be overwhelming,…

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Self-Sabotaging In Relationships

September 11, 2018
Self Sabotaging In Relationships 5b6335dd976c9

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Engaging in romantic relationships is one of the biggest risks you can take. While they may bring you so much joy and happiness, they can also encompass pain and betrayal. As you continue to open yourself up and become vulnerable physically and emotionally with another person, the risk of getting rejected, hurt, betrayed, or abandoned grows. Experiencing such hurt can lead anyone to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors moving forward. People…

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