Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.



Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

December 14, 2018
Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression 5c09393943559

While many women experience mild mood changes or “the blues” during or after the birth of a child, 1 in 5-to-7 women experience more significant symptoms of depression or anxiety. Also, 1-in-10 dads become depressed and anxious during the first year as well. If these feelings are lasting past the two-week mark, they are no longer just “the blues.” The baby blues last no more than 2 days to 2 weeks, often due to the extreme hormone…

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Dealing With a Breakup: Cope with Post-Split Stress

December 13, 2018
Dealing With a Breakup 5c09391f4915e

Break-ups are never easy, whether it’s a romantic relationship, friendship, a work break-up, or even breaking up with your therapist. There are often mixed emotions of frustration, anger, sadness, happiness, not knowing what the future will hold, etc. A good cry can help, but also talking to a therapist to process what has occurred is helpful. Breaking up with your partner, no matter how long you have been together, is always painful. This blog post will help…

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5 Negative Effects of Being a News Junkie and What To Do Instead

December 10, 2018
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Maggie Reynolds, LCPC Mainstream media, right-wing media, political art, radio, social media…there is a lot of media available in our modern lives. With smartphones always in hand, our news diets can be to our brains what walking around with endlessly full plates of food hung from our necks would be to our stomachs: unhealthy and unproductive. It can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health, starting with your posture. Here are some of the costs of…

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Using Pre-Marital Therapy to Tackle Wedding Planning

December 9, 2018
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Congratulations, you’re engaged! Are you and your partner interested in pre-marital therapy? It can provide a great outlet for you and your partner to discuss how your values and upbringings will impact your future together. In addition to using pre-marital counseling to plan out your future, it can also be used to discuss the logistics of wedding planning and your engagement period, a time that may be more stressful and emotional than you have anticipated. Think about…

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Everything In Moderation

December 8, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling As many of you already know, “Everything in moderation”, is much easier said than done. It is common for individuals to struggle with moderation in at least one area of their life, if not more. Whether it be food, alcohol, emotions, sex, love, or gambling, it can be difficult to obtain a happy medium. When you look at it on a spectrum, some people fall in the middle and are…

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8 Ways in Creating Successful Morning Routines and Why It is Important

December 5, 2018
8 Ways in Creating Successful Morning Routines and Why It is Important 5c09a83da297d

If you read my recent blog post, “Creating Nightly Routines and Why It Is Important,” about how to implement an effective nightly routine, you may have been wondering what the morning routine you set yourself up for looks likes. As a therapist, I see many clients who struggle with starting their day off on “the right side of the bed” due to many stressors. If you had a productive evening routine the night prior, below is a…

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Supporting Your Partner Through Depression

December 3, 2018
Supporting Your Partner Through Depression 5c09a84bc6309

Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Watching your partner battle the ugly symptoms of depression can feel like a devastating and helpless experience. They can’t seem to get out of bed, are irritable, angry, unmotivated, and sad all the time. Where do you even begin? While you try to help in the ways you know how, you may feel like every attempt you make is met with rejection. As their partner you may feel obligated to…

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How to Date Mindfully

December 1, 2018
How to Date Mindfully 5c09a8490ffbe

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Audio Version When discussing the approaches to take towards being open to dating, they typically entail setting expectations and addressing your wants and needs out of a relationship. This mentality can at times bring on anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of desperation. Taking a different type of approach to dating by incorporating the Dialectic Behavior skill of Mindfulness can create a more present moment focus towards patience in the dating process. The main…

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What To Do When Your Routine Feels Repetitive

November 29, 2018
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Madissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed, repeat. Our days seem so full that we tend to repeat this cycle over and over again throughout our weeks, months, and even sometimes years of our lives. When we engage in such a consistent work-week routine, it can tend to feel like our lives have become “automatic,” “monotonous,” and “exhausting.” When this occurs, we tend to work…

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Adjusting to the Single Life

November 26, 2018
Adjusting to the Single Life 5c09a8403d480

Your relationship just ended. You may have been dating for a couple of months, a couple of years, engaged, or married. You may be feeling sadness, relief, joy, devastation, or a combination of many emotions. Even with the end of an intimate relationship, you may have to maintain a platonic relationship due to sharing children or being in the same friend group. Regardless of your circumstance, the transition from being in a relationship to being single can…

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