Danielle Bertini Millennials have been a hot button topic recently. Comparisons of the “older” generation versus the “younger” generation have been rampant in all aspects of life. It’s no secret that older generations reached family-planning milestones much earlier than Millennials. Getting married and having babies in one’s twenties was once the norm, and now that is no longer the case. Research has found that between 2007 and 2012, birth rates among women in their twenties declined more…
Read MoreIn my previous blog post, Internal Family Systems and the Eight C’s: Part One, I briefly explained the basic idea of what Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory is and one of its tenets, which is the concept of the Eight C’s. As humans, we function as our most aware, centered Selves when we operate from the Eight C’s. I discussed the first four C’s which are calmness, clarity, curiosity, and compassion. In this post, I will explore…
Read MoreAs a parent, are you ever amazed at your child’s art of playing? Are you intrigued at watching their creative play? As a parent of a one-year-old child, I am often curious and fascinated about how she knows how to play. Children do not need to be taught how to play but rather seem to possess a natural-born intuition about how to play. They seem to know how to even lead their own play and possess awareness…
Read MoreDanielle Bertini Have you ever been in an uncomfortable situation of saying the wrong thing? Maybe you asked a friend how their job is going who was just recently fired. Maybe you asked a family member about a relationship that just ended. Even though you apologized for the honest mistake, you can still tell they are hurting. These situations are a common, yet difficult, part of being social creatures. What make these situations different than, say, accidentally…
Read MoreHannah Hopper Conflict is something that we all experience, yet when it comes to conflict with a loved one or a significant other, emotions can quickly escalate to make us say things that we later regret, or make our argument escalate to being even bigger than the original issue we started with. Remaining calm in a conflict is a huge challenge, and it takes work to keep an argument from spiraling out of control. And while it…
Read MoreIt’s no secret we live in a very fast paced, high stress world. With the influx of social media, news outlets, increasing expectations both personally and professionally, it’s no surprise many of us experience burnout, compassion fatigue, and just overall exhaustion. While there are many things we do have control of, we cannot control unexpected everyday stressors. However, we do have the ability to shift how we respond to these stressors and the impact we allow them…
Read MoreHannah Hopper Many of my clients come into counseling frustrated with family relationships and feeling that they were pushed into agreeing to too much, feeling like they could not ask for what they needed, being unable to say “no” to certain requests from family members, or having trouble staying calm and in control of their emotions when family starts to get under their skin. Whether it is the family you grew up with or your extended family…
Read MoreIn my previous post, I reflected the necessity of maintaining healthy self-care habits for clinicians. Establishing a healthy work-life balance is beneficial to your home relationships, as well as your clients. I have provided a few tips as a way to help incorporate self-care techniques into your lives (this is beneficial for you readers who are not clinicians as well!): Be Mindful: Take time for yourself to understand what self-care activities work for you. Be mindful of…
Read MoreThis is the third part of a 3-part blog series about the immediate aftermath of both partners in a relationship learning about one partner’s infidelity. This blog, which focuses on the specific experiences of the unfaithful partner, follows considerations for the couple in coping in the immediate aftermath of infidelity and a blog focusing on the hurt partner. While the unfaithful partner is likely experiencing fewer losses at this stage than the hurt partner, the unfaithful partner…
Read MoreThis is the second part of a 3-part blog series about the immediate aftermath of both partners in a relationship learning about one partner’s infidelity. This blog, which focuses on the specific experiences of the hurt partner, follows considerations for the couple in coping with infidelity and precedes a blog focusing on the unfaithful partner. The hurt partner – the partner who learns of their partner’s infidelity – is likely to struggle more intensely immediately after the…
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