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Nature’s Connection to Emotional Well-Being

January 10, 2021
Natures Connection to Emotional Well Being 2

While the connection between nature and mental health may not be entirely shocking, just how strong the connection is, and how much of an impact nature has on emotional well-being can be enlightening to many individuals. While this concept may seem simple, there’s actually more to this process of connection than simply standing outside and staring at a tree. Today’s fast paced world where many things are easily accessible to us leaves few things to be awed…

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“Letting Go” Sounds Simple, But It May Not Be Easy

January 9, 2021
Letting Go Sounds Simple but may not be Easy

Jessica Pontis, LCSW Humans are innately social creatures, we depend on one another for interaction, support, and community.  We live in intricate social structures that we must navigate day in and day out.  Our relationships with one another, while rewarding, can also be complex.  As a result of these complexities, we can feel hurt by the words or actions of others, sometimes ever our own.  Others may make us feel disappointed, unheard, unvalidated.  All these things can…

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How Do I Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance While Working Remotely?

January 8, 2021
How Do I Promote a Healthy Work Life Balance While Working Remotely

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR certified  What is a work-life balance? Think of it this way: you have one gallon of water per day. You have to invest some of this water to work obligations and some to your life outside of work. How much would you invest in each? 50/50? 60/40? Everyone has to decide how to balance their work with other aspects of their lives. A 50/50 balance, for example, doesn’t work for everyone. The…

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How Can I Manage My Anger?

January 7, 2021
How Can I Manage My Anger

Hannah Hopper, LPC, NCC  One of the most common things I’ve heard from my clients during the pandemic is that it’s been extremely difficult to manage anger and overwhelming emotions. What I keep hearing is that anger is coming up in more unexpected places; it’s harder than ever before to manage anger with co-workers, in relationships, and with family members. Many of us have a shorter fuse these days, and that’s why I’m covering anger management strategies…

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How Can I Discuss Politics with Family?

January 6, 2021
How Can I Discuss Politics with Family

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC With the upcoming presidential election right around the corner as well as the holiday season, I have found that many people are anxious with not knowing how to potentially discuss politics with their families. Although not every family structure talks about politics, some families enjoy talking about politics the same way some families talk about their favorite sports teams: with a one-sided passion that they expect everyone else to share. However, talking about…

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How Can I Decrease My Screen Time? Part 2

January 5, 2021
How Can I Decrease My Screen Time Part 2

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  If you need to decrease your screen time, try these additional methods.  Decrease Triggers A trigger is anything that causes you to want to engage in screen time. Triggers can be a time of the day, an activity, an emotion, a visual cue, or anything else. You may not have a thought or desire to check your phone until your phone lights up with a new notification, and then you have…

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How Can I Decrease My Screen Time? Part 1

January 4, 2021
How Can I Decrease My Screen Time Part 1

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified  Phones, TVs, and computers are a large part of your life, and that’s unlikely to change. Yet, spending too much time on these devices can have a negative impact on your mental health. They may cause anxiety, loneliness, fatigue, insomnia, and stress. Screen time is defined as any activity that involves a screen, such as watching TV/movies, playing video games, searching the internet/scrolling, or connecting with social media.  Do you need…

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How Can I Control My Anger?

January 3, 2021

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC I want to premise this article by stating that anger is not necessarily a “bad” emotion. No emotions are inherently “bad.” We all get angry at times! We’re human. Anger is there for a reason. However, some people are more prone to rage more often than others. And sometimes we need a bit of help in handling it. One of the issues that can come with the emotion of anger is that we…

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Are You Struggling with Differences in Values Among Your Family?

January 2, 2021

Matthew Cuddeback LCSW If there is one thing 2020 has taught us, it is that we need to do more work on how to navigate differences in opinions and especially differences in values. As we get older, we often see our perspectives or opinions have evolved and may not match up with our families of origin. This is of course nothing new, but in 2020 it does feel more potent. Let’s talk about the ways in which…

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What Do We Do When We Are Wronged? How Anger Can Ignite Us

December 31, 2020

Steven Topper LCPC In a world more and more derided and vitriolic, it can be important to reflect on and assess how this impacts us interpersonally. For many of us, the combination of pandemic changes and social disorder has led to increased anger and frustration, often without somewhere to direct this anger. For so many people, anger hasn’t been an issue until recently, when so many aspects of our lives have been taken from our control. Yet…

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