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Andrew D. Castillo, LCSW, MSW When we first start a new relationship, we are full of curiosity. What are this person’s interests? What are their goals? What makes them tick? We are so eager to learn about this amazing new person, and are driven to constantly ask questions. Overtime, however, we see that driven curiosity start to ebb. Especially in long-term relationships, we may assume after a time, that we truly know everything about our partners. This…
Read MoreWelcome back to part 2 of this blog post! As discussed in part 1, the return back to working from an office is quickly approaching, many of us have already started this transition, and all of us have mixed emotions around this transition. If you’re someone feeling overwhelmed, stressed and even anxious about returning to the office and leaving your sweatpants behind, you’re not alone. This has been a transformative year for all of us, shifting our…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Are you one of the many individuals who struggles to get adequate sleep? The hullabaloo of the modern-day lifestyle along with robotic and mechanical work routine has deprived many people of their ability to sleep soundly. They feel anxious, stressed out, and even depressed. As result, they become insomniac as their sleep hygiene gets adversely affected. Now, what exactly is sleep hygiene? Sleep hygiene refers to the environment and many other factors that…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, LPC, NCC The importance of mental health awareness cannot be emphasized enough. We are lucky to live in a time where people are more eagerly promoting the significance of mental and emotional wellbeing. One such gesture is the observance of mental health awareness month in the month of May. Why Mental Health Awareness Is Important Since 1949, May has been observed as Mental Health Awareness Month or Mental Health Month in the US. As…
Read MoreBy Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC The first time John drank alcohol he felt the effects after 2 drinks. The 300th time John drank it took 12 drinks to achieve similar effects. After many years of heavy drinking John has built up a tolerance to alcohol. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA) alcohol tolerance generally means “…that after continued drinking, consumption of a constant amount of alcohol produces a…
Read MoreHannah Hopper, LPC Most of us would like to think that if we were in a relationship that was abusive, we’d be able to notice it and get out. But verbal abuse is a bit more subtle, and some people experience regular verbal abuse without even knowing it. So what is verbal abuse? It’s a verbal interaction that causes the target emotional damage, usually causing the person to doubt and question who they are. After experiencing verbal…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Do you view people who get easily angered to be obnoxious and unreasonable? Well, in that case, you may want to continue reading. While we may dislike how people react to various situations when they are triggered, it is important to remember that anger is often a secondary emotion. What does this mean? Simply put, people resort to anger because it may be the emotion they are most familiar with or most comfortable…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback LCSW The Stages of Development is a fascinating psychological theory created by Erik Erickson that states we go through a specific set of stages at different ages in our lives. We have to navigate the challenges of these stages to come out with a healthy understanding of ourselves. There are many theories that utilize this theory, and it has had a large impact on the field of psychology. However, perhaps more interesting is how…
Read MoreSteven Losardo, MFT You may have heard of gaslighting before- the term originated from a 1938 theater production called Gaslight. Wilkinson (2017), highlights the play is based on a young woman whose husband repeatedly tells her she’s forgetful, acting unusual, and he even tells her she’s imagining things. She begins to doubt herself over time and feels like she is going insane. This is essentially what happens to someone who is being gaslighted. The play is an…
Read MoreBy Eric Dean JD, MBA, MA, MA, LPC, CADC Addiction is a disease with no cure, but there are numerous treatment options available that you may not be familiar with. In my practice working with clients who are struggling with substance abuse, I oftentimes receive questions about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)*, which I will summarize in this post. AA is a support group that helps folks who want to stay sober from alcohol. It was created in the…
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