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Matthew Cuddeback LCSW There is a complex area that often arises requiring therapists to carefully consider how to proceed while advocating for our clients, respecting their wishes, and protecting their therapeutic experience, that is professional collaboration. Whether it is collaborating with another therapist you may be meeting with, a former provider, or collaborating with a current provider who is prescribing medication it is something that should be given a lot of thought. Let’s talk about what to…
Read MoreOver a year ago, we were all hunkered down amidst quarantine, hoping and dreaming for the day that things start to feel normal again. We deeply missed and longed for all of the experiences in life that we find valuable – an amazing meal at a restaurant, travel, walking into a grocery store without a mask. We all thought how happy we’d be to hug people and jump back into our old routines. We thought the “taste…
Read MoreMegan Mulroy, LPC Breaking up with a partner is never easy. Whether you were the person who ended it or not, the pain is still real and can often times be overwhelming and devastating. One of the hardest things about ending a relationship is that all of your hopes, dreams, and plans you built with your ex-partner are gone along with the relationship. That dog you talked about buying together. GONE! That apartment you were going…
Read MoreMatthew Cuddeback LCSW Something that comes up with more clients than not is how they manage feedback. This is something many of us struggle with for varied reasons. However, being able to accept and give feedback can be an incredibly powerful skill to learn. Below we will discuss key issues inherent in giving and receiving feedback as well as key reasons for why and how it can be incredibly useful. We all have received feedback and we…
Read MoreBy: Bridgette W. Gottwald, LPC, NCC There is nothing in life that is more constant than change. With change, moving often comes into play. Moving – it’s something we all dread, yet it persists throughout our lifespan. In order to change, we have to grow, and our environments tend to grow with us. Moving to a new home is packed with all different kinds of emotions, and surveys show that it’s “one of the most stressful life…
Read MoreMindfulness refers to being fully engaged and rooted in the present moment, without any concern for the past or future. Mindful eating in its essence, means being fully present with our food and is an integral component of mindfulness, one that could serve as a cure for the restrictions imposed by diet culture. When we build a healthy relationship with our food, one based on nourishment and enjoyment rather than starvation or excess, we can ultimately change…
Read MoreIndividuals with busy schedules including work, school, family obligations and social plans, may not have the time to engage in movement throughout the week. It can be difficult to fit in other forms of self-care, including exercise. In the past, exercise has been a stress reliever for me, but it can also become an issue if it is the only stress reliever. I spent a lot of time redefining my relationship with exercise, to make sure I…
Read MoreMary-Lauren O’Crowley, NCC, LPC Most of us imagine a lovely, romance-filled future ahead of us when we say “I do”! However, once the honeymoon is over and we return to a life of work, paying bills, caring for children, and simply getting by, we may find ourselves asking, “What became of my happily ever after? I no longer recognize this person anymore!” But there are things you can do to keep the fire burning in your marriage.…
Read MoreSocial media has taken the world by storm since the introduction of Six Degrees in 1997 (what a throwback!). Since then, the emergence of Myspace, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, etc. dominate our daily phone use. Across the globe, it is estimated that the average individual spends at least 136 minutes per day on social media apps (Statista, 2018). Fun fact, Facebook is the most commonly uses social media site in the world! With so much time…
Read MoreBy: Danielle Bertini, LPC No roommate is going to be perfect. Even with the ones that seem great on paper, you’re still likely to encounter some problems. So, how do you handle roommate conflicts? Should you leave a passive-aggressive note? Tempting, I know, but there are better ways to deal with roommate problems. Yablonski (2020) offers 9 tips to help you learn how to deal with a bad roommate. Set rules and boundaries. One of…
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