Amana Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner I’m going to die. I’m helpless. I’m going crazy. Certain thoughts commonly reoccur during panic attacks. But they’re simply untrue, and the best way to fight them is with the truth. Panic attacks are often misunderstood. Many people believe that panic attacks are short bursts of anxiety or stress that can be easily calmed or avoided. The common reproach “You gave me a panic attack!” implies that these experiences are situational. That’s…
Read MoreWe live in a culture where pornography is easily accessible, but not easily discussed. Anyone, including teens, who has access to the internet can easily access pornographic content. What sex therapists and educators are learning is that most people report that their sex education came from porn. Many schools in our country legally do not need to provide comprehensive sex education in classes, which leaves kids and teens feeling confused and ashamed when they want to start…
Read MoreHave you ever felt so out of control with your own emotions, actions, or thoughts and never had anyone to turn to express your actions, thoughts, or emotions? Have you ever felt alone? Scared? Lonely? Sad? Overly excited? Lack of interest in almost anything? You are not alone in feeling any of these emotions, and many more emotions. Seeking help is completely okay and can help you in many ways (definitely more than you can think about).…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner You look down at your plate and your food is gone, but you can’t remember eating. Sound familiar? This experience is called mindless eating, and it’s become a common practice in our fast-paced culture. Mindless eating can lead to significant physical and psychological issues. The antidote to mindless eating is mindful eating. The Center for Mindful Eating, a U.S-based nonprofit, defines mindful eating as having four parts: 1) Using your senses in…
Read MoreThink about a time in your life when you were wanting to make a change in your life. Was it in regards to being more active? Was it going back to school to advance your career/education? Was it to stop an addictive behavior? Whatever you were wanting to change in your life, without maybe really recognizing it, you were in one of 6 stages of change. The Six Stages of Change were identified by James O. Prochaska.…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Ending one’s own life has been a frequently discussed topic in the media the past few years. Between celebrity suicides, the making of “13 Reasons Why”, and higher suicide rates in high schools around the country, we are exposed to the idea now more than ever. When we hear some of the devastating stories of those who have struggled with depression and ended their life, we often ask ourselves, “Why…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling A word as simple as “you” can change the dynamic of a conversation. Using “you” in a sentence such as “You never listen to me” or “You always wait until the last minute” insinuates the other person is at fault. Placing blame on another person is often used as an easy defense to avoid feeling your own pain or recognizing your own faults. When you begin to use tactics to…
Read MoreMadissyn Fredericks, Licensed Professional Counselor, Symmetry Counseling Where do you feel your anxiety? Do you experience your heart begin to race, muscles tense, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or excessive and intrusive negative thoughts? If you have ever experienced or struggled with symptoms of anxiety, you may have been instructed by others to “calm down” or “just relax”. You also probably know that calming down and relaxing is not as simple as it sounds when you are…
Read MoreAmanda Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Practitioner It’s no surprise that expressing our gratitude positively impacts others—after all, who doesn’t like to feel appreciated? But it’s also good for us. Amy Morin of Forbes reported that scientific studies have shown how gratitude improves psychological health, physical health, sleep, and self-esteem. It’s in our best interest to express gratitude. Last month, I wrote my aunt a letter expressing appreciation for all the ways she has made a positive difference…
Read MoreMany of us grew up hearing the phrase, “April showers bring May flowers,” regarding the weather being gloomy and rainy in April with the hope that it will bring flowers in May. While this phrase pertains to the weather, it can also pertain to your life, particularly your professional life. Most people go through an adjustment period at some point in their life such as resigning from a toxic job environment or getting fired or laid off…
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