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How Can I Overcome Perfectionism?

May 31, 2021
How Can I Overcome Perfectionism

By: Danielle Bertini, LPC             There’s no arguing against the fact that it’s good to have a strong work ethic and high standards. But when does this go too far? Meet—perfectionism. Perfectionism involves the tendency to set standards that are so high that they either cannot be met or are only met with great difficulty. Anything short of perfection is horrible and unacceptable. Making mistakes isn’t even an option because it signifies that they are a failure.…

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How Can I Mange Transitional Stress?

May 30, 2021
How Can I Mange Transitional Stress

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist Transitional stress is a certain emotional and/or physical response to a life transition.  Here are some tips to help you cope with transitional stress:  Embrace Awareness Step back and notice what’s happening in your life. Can you identify one or more transitions that you are experiencing now? A transition does not need to be a huge, life changing event, but may be something that appears small or insignificant. Finishing a…

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How Can I Create a Better, More Peaceful Evening Routine?

May 29, 2021
How Can I Create a Better More Peaceful Evening Routine

While many of us believe a good morning routine is the key to having a good day, a morning routine isn’t the only thing that determines the day’s outcome. Evening routines are just as important to having a productive next day. Because we’re all moving less without our morning and evening commutes, walks to lunch, or going to the gym, our bodies and minds are negatively impacted. Between the loss of regular movement and human contact, the…

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How Can I Be Successful in My Career?

May 28, 2021
How Can I Be Successful in My Career

By Eric Dean JD MBA MA MA LPC CADC My clients often tell me that they want to be successful in their careers. First, we nail down what success means to them and then figure out ways to make it happen. Oftentimes, it can be helpful to consider how other, once similarly situated people, achieved success. For example, if your goal is to make partner at a law firm by the time you are 33 years old,…

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Are You Experiencing Transitional Stress?

May 27, 2021
Are You Experiencing Transitional Stress

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist Life transitions are more common than you might realize. Examples of such transitions that might come to mind are common ones such as the following:       Starting a new job/academic program.       Losing or leaving a job.       Making a career change.       Graduating.       Retirement.       Empty nesting.       Moving to a new home/relocating.  …

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What Do The Parts Of Ourselves That We Keep Hidden Need The Most?

May 27, 2021
What Do The Parts Of Ourselves That We Keep Hidden Need The Most

Steven Topper LCPC  It might be said that to be human is to hide. Thousands of generations ago, danger told us to do one of three things: run, hide, fight. When we look out at the landscape of our lives today, we may see novel representations of those three words, as far from their original behaviors as we are from those who lived all the way back then. We still run, though now it looks like telling…

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What Are Phrases We Can Use to Identify Gaslighting?

May 23, 2021
Are Phrases We Can Use

Gaslighting is a term that’s become increasingly well-known over the past couple of years. Individuals in positions of power, whether that be politicians or celebrities, are becoming examples of ways to identify and define gaslighting. I’ve found many of my clients have been able to spot gaslighting within their own lives after reading articles about significant figures in society demonstrating these characteristics. In a previous blog titled “Gaslighting: What it is and how to tell if it’s…

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What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)?

May 22, 2021
What are Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs

Amanda Ann Gregory, LCPC  Are there certain experiences that can commonly cause trauma responses in children? Yes, and we have identified the most common of these experiences, which are known as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).  In 1995 and 1997, CDC-Kaiser-Permanente conducted a massive study to identify the most common experiences that can cause a child to suffer trauma in childhood and later in adulthood. These experiences- called “ACEs” – have helped adults better understand not only the…

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Self-Compassion and Mindfulness, Part II

May 19, 2021
Self Compassion and Mindfulness Part II

Abby Hauer, MC, LAC Self-Compassion and Mindfulness, Part II: How Do I Put It in Practice? More on Mindfulness Mindfulness does not have to be five minutes of silence or a guided meditation. Mindfulness can be incorporated into your life anyway that you see fit! The most important part of being mindful is bringing your awareness to what’s happening in the moment. Not thinking about what you could be doing in five minutes or what you did…

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Self-Compassion and Mindfulness, Part I

May 18, 2021
Self Compassion and Mindfulness

Abby Hauer, MC, LAC I would like to preface this blog by sharing with you that I used to roll my eyes when someone would mention mindfulness – I just did not buy into it. However, Mindfulness has been proven to be effective time and time again through research. But what the heck is it? Before I was able to understand mindfulness, I had to first understand what self-compassion was. Self-Compassion and Mindfulness, Part I: What Does…

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