Live Better. Love Better. Work Better.

Shannon M. Duffy


How to Feel Like Yourself Again in the New Year

March 13, 2022

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC It’s that time again when we reflect on the past year and set intentions for the upcoming year. For many that still imposes a few challenges with the unknowns of the pandemic. Even though we are back to doing things pre-pandemic, there is still a cloud of uncertainty that looms around us. When clients reflect on the past year many discuss the parts of themselves that they changed, or the activities they…

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Assessing Job Satisfaction Within Psychotherapy

March 8, 2022
Ft Job Satisfaction

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC As a society, we spend a significant amount of our lives focused on our vocation(s). This past year has adjusted our perspective towards what our vocation or job or careers really mean to us. Many grieved the loss of their job and others reassessed the value their job even provides. The adjustments from office to work from home to return to the office has created a sense of uncertainty for many in…

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Utilizing Psychotherapy for Aging Women’s Health Concerns

February 5, 2022

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC One topic that all of us women will experience at some point in our lives tends to be a taboo topic. Menopause is a taboo topic. Many of us have feared Menopause, due to the stigma, stereotypes, and what it “means” for us as women when we enter out of our reproductive stages. The challenging aspect of discussing Perimenopause and Menopause is that every woman will have a different experience, different onset,…

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What Is Decision Fatigue?

January 31, 2022
What Is Decision Fatigue

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC We make decisions every day whether they appear to be automatic or need a contemplation process to be able to come to a decision. With all the decisions we make they add up and can create and cause fatigue in how we go about making simple to complex decisions. The mental overload of making decisions can feel debilitating and overwhelming which can bring on physical and emotional symptoms from the anxiety and…

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Now What Do I Do?

December 3, 2021

Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC Licensed Psychotherapist Many can relate to the following scenario. Things are going well, almost too well. You have been doing all the work addressed in psychotherapy and focusing on self-care and utilizing your coping skills in all the right places and right time. Then, out of nowhere you are either triggered by a stressor or multiple stressors build up where you feel out of control and all the steps you took towards…

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How Olympic Athletes Have Prioritized Their Mental Health

November 5, 2021
Olympic athletes

By Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC I love the Olympics, the competition, the drive, the teamwork, the perseverance, all of it. This year at the Olympics all of those were on display along with the honesty on how each athlete has dealt with their own mental health. Front and center were discussions of how the athletes are handing their personal struggles. The pandemic was especially impactful for those Olympic hopefuls who were forced to postpone their dreams…

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Re-Learning Hopefulness During the Pandemic

May 3, 2021

By Shannon M. Duffy, MFT, LCPC  To say this past year has been challenging is an understatement. We have all been pushed and pulled past our limits, experienced emotions, thoughts, and feelings that created more distress than we are accustomed to. Not to mention the tragedies that have occurred from lives lost from Covid-19, violence, and natural disasters. What has been progressing many of us through these challenging times is having HOPE. Hope can be discovered, rediscovered,…

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