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romantic relationships


4 Ways To Explore A Career Change

March 7, 2022

Steven Losardo, LMFT In a recent article, Carucci, Clark, & Chamorro-Premuzic, 2022 highlight that more than half of all Americans are considering a job change. In part, they desire flexibility and employers that care about their concerns. Some of the population have clarity about what they do or do not want to do next in their careers. But what do you do if you do not have a clue? The good news is while the reasons may…

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5 Ways Keep Your Relationship Strong

March 6, 2022
Ft Relationship Strong

Steven Losardo, LMFT A recent article notes “studies show that lower feelings of love and less closeness at one time predict a greater likelihood of breaking up (DiDonato, 2021).  DiDonato (2021) adds there are signs you may be on the verge of a break up including emotional detachment, partners being less responsive to good news, and a lack of self-disclosures. The article also highlights negative nonverbal behaviors may deteriorate relationships.  This blog will highlight five promising strategies…

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